Tom Cruise - (Frank T.J. Mackey, Magnolia)

                Although Tom Cruise was in a much smaller role than he is used to, in a much more low-budget, independent film than we are used to... he still took his big movie acting and helped to make Magnolia.  Cruise played the energetic and blatantly sexist Frank T.J. Mackey to perfection, making you laugh through all of his scenes.

                Frank Mackey runs a seminar for men that is so cheuvanistic the phone number to sign up is 1-800-TAME HER.  And although his public image makes this role seem very odd, Tom Cruise pulls Mackey off very well, and makes the few scenes he has the most enjoyable and entertaining parts of the entire film.

Congratulations to Tom Cruise... The 2000 Winner of the "Mikey" for Best Supporting Actor

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