Head Crusher

Recorded in sources dating as early as the Middle Ages, head crushers enjoy the esteem of the authorities in many parts of the world today. The victim’s chin is placed on the lower bar, and the cap forced down by the screw.

All comment seems superfluous. First the teeth are crushed into their sockets and smash the surrounding bone, then the eyes are forced out of their sockets, and finally the brain squirts through the fragmented skull.

Although nowadays no longer a means of capital punishment, head crushers are still used for interrogation. The modern caps and chin rests are padded with soft materials so as to leave no mark on the victim.

Examples of headcrushers can be seen in the Tower of London and at the Tijuana, Mexico Cultural Center.

Head Screw

Another very effective device was the Head Screw. It consisted of a metal hoop, which could be put around one's forehead and the back of the head. With a screw the hoop could be tighted more and more, so that the delinquent was afraid of having his head crushed. This caused extreme panic, so that nearly every confession could be reached.


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