Listen what THE MAN says
(Templeton's titillating tidbits...)

"I lie, I cheat, and I just don't get any respect."
Episode - "Where's the Monster When You Need Him

"We can do anything we want. We're government."
Face conning for supplies. Episode - "Semi-friendly Persuasion

Girl: You guys answer me one thing; who are you?
Face: Well, I'd be glad to explain it to you.
Girl: So explain.
Face: Oh no, I didn't mean here. What I had in mind was some place quiet... a quiet filled with the gentle strains of gypsy violins. A quiet with a soft bubble of champagne, mixed mystically with the sizzle of musaka. Yes, a place where the sound of two hearts beating as one, drowns out the murmers of lovers.
Girl: Something tells me we'd never get to the answer.
Prince Charming at his best. Episode - "Uncle Buckle-up"

"Boy! You know... you really fill out that tunic. D'you use to play for the Rams?"
Face taunting frocked missionary/bad guys. Episode - "Children of Jamestown

Hannibal: "Hey Face?"
Face: "Yes?"
Hannibal: "Whadya suppose these guys wear under their skirts?"
Face: "Gee, I don't know... half-slips?"
baiting the bad guys. Episode - "Children of Jamestown

"I shall fear no evil. Thy rod and thy AR15 shall cover me. Right guys?"
Face after the guys are captured by James' men. Episode - "Children of Jamestown"

"Don't you smile at me like that. That's not even a real smile. It's just a bunch of teeth playing with my mind."
Face speaking to Hannibal after being "volunteered" for a dangerous mission. Episode - "Diamonds and Dust"

Look to this day
For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision,
But today well lived,
Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Face offering advice to Richard Bancroft who, unbeknownst to Face, is his father. Episode - "Family Reunion"

"Why does he always fall on the horn?"
Face to Hannibal after B.A. is just given an injection to knock him out. Episode - "Holiday in the Hills"

"I like working for the church now and then, insurance against judgment day."
Face to Hannibal and Murdock as they fly out of Guatemala. Episode - "Holiday in the Hills"

"We're the only guys to survive an airplane crash only to be killed minutes later by an irate passenger."
Face to Hannibl right after Murdock crashed the plane in South Carolina. Episode - "Holiday in the Hills"

"Ahh, look, you give me a job to do. I do it. You know, I pool my resources, I consider my options, and then I go for it. Sure it's not easy. There are risks, but I take 'em."
Face explaining to Murdock how he is so good at his job. Episode - "Holiday in the Hills"

"Hannibal, sometimes I think you're crazier than Murdock."
Face to Hannibal after Hannibal explains that the reason he trapped the hillbillies in the plane is because he is out of ammo. Episode - "Holiday in the Hills"

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