Mi Familia

I was looking over my new and improved-elvis-obsessed homepage the other day and I started thinking that something was missing. After a minute of pondering it came to me, I have a tribute to all of my online homies and even a personal tribute to my friend Pete, but not once do I mention the biggest part of me. My family. Or as they say in Italy, mi familia..*s*. So I basically just want to dedicate this section of my elvis-obsessed homepage to my blood. Now my dad and my little sister are the only ones in my family who ever come online, but maybe this'll be a good reason to get my mom and brothers here.

My fam lives in Modesto, CA and as you know I'm up here in Redding. (4 hours north of them) I moved up here about a year ago..wow...it's been a while...ahem...anyways...I've never really been away from them and I hate every second that I miss of their lives. Especially my sister. Her name is Bethany, she's 16, completely beautiful and one of my best friends in the entire world. Lately we've been chatting and playing cards in the zone. Excuse the mushyness for a moment while I say a few words to her...

Bessie..I just want you to know that I'm very proud of you. In the past few years you have become my best friend and I would totally die for you. I brag about you to everyone. You have something so special and you are going to go so far in life. (Mom, Dad, close your eyes) Beth, I know there are things about me, things that I've done that you know about, and I hate that you know that because I want you to be proud of me too. I'm sorry for not being the role model I should've been for you while I lived at home. But you know I'm all back where I should be now with me and God, and I'm ready to be what you need in a big sis. So whenever you need me, day or night, I'm here ok? I love you so much and I'm sorry that I don't tell you that more. But if you ever doubt that, just come here and read this *S*. ..*drying eyes*..ok..next...wait..one more thing..Ian..(Bethany's boyfriend)..Just want to say hey and I think you are da bomb..*s*..take care of my sis or I'll destroy you..and I mean that with all the love I have in my little girl heart :)

Bethany & Ian

Dad, you're the man of my dreams. My knight in shining armor. When I was a little girl I used to think you could do absolutely anything and now that I'm all grown up and on my own, I still believe it, more than ever. You have done soooo much for me, even now when I'm not living at home you still take care of me. Even if it's just being there when I need to talk. You go above and beyond the call of duty as far as I'm concerned and I totally don't deserve it. I know I've made raising me more difficult than it should've been and I'm sorry for everything I put you and mom through. I just want to say something right here right now, and I'm only gonna say it once, once. YOU WERE RIGHT I WAS WRONG!!...*L*...you can pretty much apply that to any situation I was ever in that we disagreed about. But don't think I'm ever gonna say it again. *S*

My daddy

Mom, this is probably the only time you'll ever be on the internet so I'll make it good. Everyone tells me that I'm just like my mom and I take that as a huge compliment. Everything you've ever taught me is filed away in my mind and whenever I have a question about something I think "What would mom do"..and I usually come up with something. Or I just call you. (which is reeking havoc on my phone bill) I love that you are always there for me when I need to talk and that you don't feel like you need to come up with some grand answer, you just let me talk and cry and speak common sense into me. I feel like I could never ever fill your shoes and be as good a mom as you are to us. There is so much I need to learn and I'm glad you're here to help me, because I'm far from done. I know that you think that you didn't do so good a job raising us and you're always wondering if you could've done something different. But mom, you couldn't have done a better job. Just look at..well...Bethany...she's awesome..and Jesse's not so bad either..I love you with all my heart.


Jesse & Christina

Jesse & Daniel...the men in my life. I love you guys so much. Jesse you're pretty sexy for a brother..*s*..I'm totally proud of you, I'm glad we're past that beat-eachother-up phase and we can be friends now. ...Daniel..I love you raja...*S*..you're my little buddy....hey..don't sit so close to the TV..*S*....Oh..almost forgot..Jess...I never cared much for your choice in women..until now..Christina is the best thing that ever happened to you...treat her like a queen and don't ever let her get away

Justin...I love you brubber..you are so farout and groovy and I totally dig you baby..I miss the mornings when you me and Bessie would get up real early and have espressos and talk about our trippy thoughts while we grooved to the Beatles...*L*..remember when I was thinking about the song "Yesterday" and I said "Tomorrow"?..*L*..that was crazy..I can't wait to come home so we can start that tradition again. Stick close to Bethany ok?..She's wise beyond her years and who else can you go shopping in the barn with??

and last but soooooo not least..my pookie..my boston boy..my bugar butt...my little squishy boy...my choochy face..Austin...I know you can't read so I can pretty much put anything here and you'll like it...*s*..you're gonna be so famous someday and I'm gonna be able to say I changed your diapers. I love you sooo much..you are my sunshine.

Ok...now that all of you are probably all sick from the mush..*s*...but I had to say all of that. So folks this is my family, my blood, the people who I would be nothing without.

An adorable pic of my mom, sister and lil' brother

So that's it ..the tribute is over...hope you all enjoyed it. Please stay in your seats until the ride comes to a full and complete stop...thank you..and come again.. *s*

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