Hello, and welcome to the Hodgepodge.

if you stumbled upon this page you are either:
    A. Crazy
    B. Some friend of ours who wants to laugh at what is quite possibly the worst homepage ever
    C. Here by accident, escape while you still can

Whatever the reason, me and Rachel have (well, not really) come to our senses and realized that the Hodgepodge is a little... um.... bright? horrible? teenybopperish (gasp)? so we've discontinued working on it (*sob*). Just in case you are either crazy, want to join our webring, (which we're keeping up so people don't end up with a bunch of broken links) or some mean person in need of a good laugh - *cough* Derek and Ryan *cough* - click here to continue onto the Hodgepodge, but be warned - viewing our page may cause seizures, blindness, or a splitting headache from the horrible choice in colors.

And if you want to see what Jen and Rachel have been up to since the discontinuation of the Hodgepodge, they've moved on to bigger and better things, (well, at least Rachel has, Jen can't seem to find the motivation to make anything other than a swell index page) so here's the links to their new (and improved) webpages.

Rachel's Page - Ramblings of a Gypsy which is kind of like a journal but not, and updated almost every day.
Jen's Page - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough which has nothing to do with the title, it's a graphics and ICQ+ skins page.

So continue on to your choice of webpages, or just escape before you lose any sanity you once had...and be sure to direct any creative insults on the Hodgepodge to Jen. 1