

"DEKAKIZOKU"(Lord Detective) is a popular Japanese TV police-story Drama series. It describes the police detectives of Sinjuku, the great city where the city hall of Tokyo locates; their activity, struggle, friendship and grows as policenen and as humanbeings.
I, as a captive fan of the 2nd and 3rd series of this "DEKAKIZOKU", want more and more people know it and love it, and so begin this page.

Basic Data

"DEKAKIZOKU2" : from April 12 1991 to March 20 1992, 40titles
"DEKAKIZOKU2" : from April 17 1992 to December 25 1992, 25titles
Broadcasted from 8:00pm to 8:54pm on Fridays by NTV (Nihon Television)

Creation and Copyright : Toho Ltd.

