Views Of Village

These two pictures were taken out the back door of the administrative offices.
The campus runs right up to the bottom of the hills in the background of the pictures.
The school has 16 buildings on 30 acres.
VCS View A
Behind all those trees is the High School.
The three schools share the Gym in the middle of the campus, and a few classrooms
In the center of the picture is the lunch area for Middle School, and High School.
VCS Veiw B
The Elementary uses the buildings in the foreground.
The Middle School is in the two story building hidden by all the trees in the center of the picture.
The field in the foreground is the smallest of the three playing fields.
There are also two playgrounds for the Elementary, and the large field has play equipment at one end.
These two photos are taken at the back of the school.
VCS Veiw C 
The large building is the gym. The loading door is for the stage. The middle of the three buildings is the locker rooms. Hidden by the trees above and behind it is one of the three high school buildings. The road in the forground is all that is left of the track.
VCS Veiw D 
The field in the forground is the softball feild, and is used by the PE classes. Just behind it is the upper story of the Middle School. The lower floor and all of the elementary is below the level of this field.  The bus is waiting to take a sports team on a trip. All sports trips load on this dirt road behind the school.

This view is from the parking lot in the canyon above the School.

VCS Veiw E 
The two buildings in the forground are some of the high school. To the far right is the bus line. Beyond the High School buildings is the Admin/Library/Chapel building with tthe dark gray roof. Beyond that are three of the Elementary School Buildings. Hidden by the trees are two other buildings. To the left of the picture is the rest of the campus. In the distance is the San Fernando Valley. The gray is in the sky is low clouds. On most days you can see the whole valley.