the basics: | |||||||||||||||||||||
age: 22 | |||||||||||||||||||||
height: 'bout 72 inches | |||||||||||||||||||||
weight: 'bout 145 | |||||||||||||||||||||
eye color: brown | |||||||||||||||||||||
hair: none to speak of. when too long, it shows brown | |||||||||||||||||||||
Well, time to update and upgrade. Mostly it will be viewable from the pictures section, as there will be many many more. And a few new tidbits about what's going on nowadays with me. I am living in the Netherlands for a few years. I've only been here since the very end of October, but I've found it to be very entertaining, fun, difficult (if only for the language barrier at times. Dutch). I do miss home. There's a lot Americans take for granted. Mainly stores. There isn't a Wal-Mart that is within a few miles. No Denny's 24/7, since everything closes by around 11pm. And I mean everything. I swear, they'd probably close the Hospital if they could. Driving isn't too difficult, if you're not innerved by trees and cars passing on both sides of you too close and too fast. Little roads, lemme tell ya. If you're curious, yes, the dog below is mine. Murphy's still alive and kickin'. I'll have new pics of him as well. |
well, here's a little stuff on me. if you would like to chat, on aol: DraconicCherub -- msn messenger: -- yahoo messenger: zalon21 or just email for some reason at | |||||||||||||||||||||
My Quotes/Misty/Friends/Family/Netherlands |