Buffy Summers
The Slayer with a Heart of Gold

Buffy is a great character, and in every episode she gets even better. She's rough and very tender at the same time, but in a very believable way. Sure, her Buffyisms are sometimes a little too much, but they are endearing and cute. Buffy has gone through some major changes recently, and they have been so dramatic I can't imagine living through it. Well, obviously, that whole Angel turning to Angelus thing didn't really go over too well with Buffy. That scene in Innocence when Buffy went over to Angel's before she knew of his change was intense. Sarah Michelle's facial expressions went through a myriad of changes in that scene, as Buffy went from feeling relief, confusion, hurt, disgust, embarrassment and betrayal. Watching that scene was awful, because I knew Angel wasn't Angel anymore, but she didn't. I was just wondering what he was going to say to her, but that whole "you need to learn a few things about men, kiddo, though you proved that last night" was too much. I felt so bad for Buffy!

Since that ep, Buffy has been getting more courage to be her own person again. It's not Angel and Buffy anymore, it's just Buffy and that's taking some getting used to for her. In Passion, Buffy finally gained the strength to kill Angelus, but it took the death of Ms. Calendar to bring her to that level. Now, Buffy's a woman on a mission -- to kill Angel. In Innocence, it was too soon for Buffy to stake Angel. After all, she had just made love to the vamp of her dreams, and now she's supposed to off him? Doubtful. The thing is, when Angel does get his soul back, I bet Buffy's not going to be with him. How could she trust him after this? He killed Jenny, and knew that it would drive Giles to attack him. Taking away Giles would have destroyed Buffy at that point -- she needs him more than anyone now, and more than ever before. When Buffy punched Giles and then hugged him, saying "I can't do this without you," my heart went out to her. Buffy has enough problems in her life without having Giles running off and getting killed, too. Thankfully, Buffy got through to him. I imagine it was the punch that did it; she wailed on him hard!

Buffy and Xander are getting much closer, so something might be going on there. They work really well together, and they play well together too. What's more, they understand each other. Also, it certainly seems as though Buffy and Spike are going to team up to get rid of Angelus. I'd love to see that! Further, seeing Buffy with her mom in Passion was cool. Joyce and Buffy always seem at odds with each other, but the conversation that they have concerning Buffy's sex life (or lack thereof) and Buffy's distance was poignant. Buffy's mom doesn't get it, and that has to be entirely frustrating for Buffy. Imagine having to hide all this shit from your mom and getting into trouble for it all the time. Case in point, Bad Eggs, Joyce was totally on Buffy's ass, but Buffy couldn't explain what was really going on, and why she wasn't in the library, etc...

A lot has changed for Buffy during the end of the season. The two part season finale, Becoming shows Buffy's world getting ripped apart, painfully. POOR BUFFY! Was I ever crying like a baby when she killed Angel, and I don't even like Angel. Imagine having a friend killed, more sent to the hospital (one with possible "brain moosh"), your mentor being kidnapped, and then teaming up with the enemy, and having to kill your former honey once he's back on your team, plus getting kicked out of school and your house. Rough day. I can totally understand why Buffy ran away from home, and it's going to be really difficult for her to go back to Sunnydale. When she sees her friends, she's going to feel guilty, and everything will remind her of Angel. But one thing that Buffy does have is an intense, strong will. She can do anything she puts her mind to accomplish. This will greatly work to her advantage during her grieving period. *sigh* Joss left a pile of loose ends to tie up...Compare the Buffy Summers of Welcome to the Hellmouth to the Buffy Summers of B2, and it's amazing she's the same person.

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