Like, totally, you know?

First Appearance: "The Harvest"

Best Line: "I'm pretty sure he won't cheat on you. At least not for a while. Plus, he's got a kill moped!"

Known for: Being the most shallow vamp in Sunnydale

Nicknames from Spike: Harm (accurate, no?), stupid bint, sugar, mon petite creme brulee

What she calls Spike: Blondy Bear, Platinum Baby, Spikey

The vamp brings out the best in her: Seems to have quite the affinity for S&M fun with Spike

She brings out the best in people: Marcie Ross gave her a nice tumble down the stairs free of charge, just for being the bitch she is. Spike tried to stake her, not knowing she was sporting the Gem of Amarra.

The World According to Cordelia: Harmony is a sheep. Pretty bad to be called a sheep by Cordy.

Funniest moment: Her bitchslap, hair-pulling fight with Xander

The Wisdom of Harm: "Being a vampire sucks."

Best Feature: Her lovely long golden hair

Harmony is hilarious, and the fact that she's now a vamp is even more amusing. I was curious as to what happened to her re: graduation day, because it was left open-ended. I always liked her before, just because you could count on her for a bitchy remark or a scathing fashion review on someone. But her and Spike together have to be the most strange, mixmatched couple ever on Buffy, including the oddity that was Xander and Cordy. Still, their scenes together were rather, um, hot. Harmony is an evil harpy, with the mind of a retarded third grader. When Spike calls her "mon petite creme brulee", she responds, "ooo, Italian." The stupid girls are just so damn cute though.

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