Principal Snyder
Took the "Pal" out of "Principal"

First Appearance: "The Puppet Show"

Best Line: "I have not only the right, but also a nearly physical sensation of pleasure at the thought of keeping her out of school. I'd describe myself as tingly."

How others would describe him: that nasty little horrid bigoted rodent man; tiny, impotent Nazi with a bug up his butt the size of an emu

Dislikes: Vegans, Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles, losing basketball seasons, children, big snakes that interrupt his graduation ceremony, "students loitering on campus after school, horrible murders with hearts being removed, and also smoking", avant-garde performance art

Likes: Joyce, tingly feelings, Oz's hair, order and discipline, doling out crap-jobs around school to the Scoobies, Percy, the swim team, band fundraisers, being called Snyder, Tae Kwan Do, expulsion

Snyder's philosophy: "My predecessor, Mr. Flutie, may have gone in for that touchy-feely relating nonsense, but he was eaten. You're in my world now. And Sunnydale has touched and felt for the last time."

I always liked Principal Snyder, so I was sad to see him eaten by the Mayor. He was a real jerk, and that was the fun. He was also a big pussy, which was a joy to watch. There is nothing like a little weasel-like sissy to brighten up a show. And he would rather that the kids were doing drugs than the stuff they were doing. Sometimes I wish the Scoobies would do drugs just so we could laugh and go "ha". I'm not sure I got enough sleep last night. Yes, now that I think about it I was out rather late and it is a bit early still, and I haven't ingested all my caffeine. Anyway, Snyder was funny to watch, jerkass though he may have been, but his time was up and there was no use for him anymore since the kids were graduating, so it was good and funny to have killed him.

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