Welcome to...

                ...with your host, Clayton Sayre.


Monstrous Menu.

CLASSIC HORROR Your favorite movies and your favorite monsters are waiting for you!
SPECIAL MAKEUP EFFECTS How DO they do that with rubber!
HORROR MODELS And I don't mean swimsuits!!
MONSTER MEMORABILIA Yes, they did make Frankenstein Air Fresheners!

Hey Classic Horror fans!
Welcome and prepare to have a fun trip through the Creepies world of horror. I want this to be a site of entertainment as well as information. I mean...MONSTERS ARE FUN!!!!!

And be sure to check out the Chiller Theatre site--It's THE BEST Horror Convention in the World!
Enter Chiller Theatre

But, I do want feedback from my victims, er, visitors! What would you like to see? What Monster/Film do you want to see spotlighting on FEATURED FLICKER?

© 1997 monster.man@worldnet.att.net

creatures have ventured into this domain since 5/5/98.

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