via filmmaker: this website (E-mail address coming soon). Or c/o Canyon Cinema




 VIDEODr. Bish's face







Film in the Cities and Walker Art Center, monograph series: Filmmakers Filming, 1980.

 Sheldon Renan's An Introduction to the American Underground Film, 1967.

 "Dr. Bish remedies" (Question and answer column, pseudonym); Bard Observer, 1975-77, Bard College, NY; The Downtown Review, Norwich, VT, 1983.

 Ph.D. Thesis by Scott Nygren, SUNY, Buffalo, NY: Quick Billy, 1982.

 Brigid Rose and Dr. Bish: A Celtic Journey, M.F.A. Thesis by Kathleen Connor, University of B.C., Canada, April 1988.

 A Critical Cinema, Vol. 2, Scott MacDonald, UC Press, Berkeley, 1992.

 Ph.D. Thesis by Kathleen Connor, June 1994, Ohio University, Quick Billy and W.B. Yeats', The Wandering of Oisin.

 "Media & The City", University of New Mexico, Alberqueque, November 1996 (video record available via Media Arts Department).

 Articles & Essays by Bruce Baillie: Performing Arts Journal , 50/51, May/September 1995, Vol. XVII, pp. 35-39, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.

 Baillie. Life, Work (a scrapbook), by Timoleon Wilkins, published by SF Cinematheque, April 1995.

 "The Work of Bruce Baillie", The New American Cinema by Gregory Battcock (ed.), New York: E.P. Dutton, 1967, pp. 226-233.

 "San Francisco's Hipster Cinema" by Thomas Kent Alexander. Film Culture, No. 44, Spring, 1967, p. 70.

 "An Interview with Bruce Baillie" by Richard Whithall, Film Culture, No. 47, Summer 1969, p. 19.

 "Bruce Baillie: An Interview" by Richard Corliss, Film Comment, Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 1971, pp. 24-32.

 "Movie Journal" by Jonas Mekas, New York: Macmillan, 1972, pp. 415-418.

 "Bruce Baillie and the Lyrical Film" by P. Adams Sitney, New Forms in Film: Montreux, August 3/24, 1974, Exhibition catalogue edited by Annette Michelson, Montreux: Corbax, 33-37.

 "Visionary Film" by P. Adams Sitney, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1974, 1979 (A Hurrah for Soldiers; All My Life; Castro Street; Have You Thought of Talking to The Director; Mass; Mr. Hayashi; Quick Billy; Quixote; Still Life; To Parsifal; Tung; Valentin de las Sierras).

 "Castro Street: The Sensibility of Style" by Lucy Fischer, Film Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 3, Spring 1976, pp. 15-16.

 "Animal Cinema: The Spirit of Roslyn" by Ken Kelman, Film Culture 67-68-69, 1979.

 "'Quixote' And Its Contexts" by Paul Arthur, Film Culture 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Baillie's Use of Light: A Reading Of His Notebooks" by Anthony Bannon, Film Culture 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Filmmaker's Filming: Bruce Baillie" by Ernest Callenbach, Booklet in a series published by Film In The Cities (St. Paul, MN) and Walker Art Centre (Minneapolis, MN), 1979.

 "Bruce Baillie's Roslyn Romance (Is It Really True?)" by Sue Anne Estevez, Millenium Film Journal, Nos. 4/5, New York, 1979.


Castro Street '66-67 notebooks, Anthology Film Archives library, NYC.

 Commute (video, April 1995), Article by Paul Arthur, Millennium Film Journal, #29, Fall 1996, pp. 31-33, Photo by Fr. James Geogoghan.

 Pacific Film Archive, US Berkely, Continuing Bruce Baillie "file": Articles, audio & video tapes about or by the filmmaker.

 The P-38 Pilot (video, 1990), Articles, critique, notes, available from the author.

 Memoires of an Angel, Novel-journal-autobiography in progress since 1988. To appear in serial form, author's website. Eventually with PFA, UC Berkely "file". 1998, in process of compiling, editing. To include numerous archival photos, which the author also plans to release on Internet.


"Letters Written to a Friend While Shooting 'Romance', Out Of Roslyn, Dry Wheat, August 1973" by Bruce Baillie, Film Culture, No. 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Letter to Jonas Mekas" by Bruce Baillie, Film Culture, No. 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Trailer Notebook '78" by Bruce Baillie, Film Culture, No. 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Letter To Sally Dixon, May 4, 1978, "Roslyn Romance" - For Pittsburgh Footage" by Bruce Baillie, Film Culture, No. 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Letter to Sylvia Sutherland, Watertown, MN" by Bruce Baillie, Film Culture, No. 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Found Poem (Found by Bruce Baillie)" by Bruce Baillie, Film Culture, No. 67-68-69, 1979.

 "More From Trailer Notebook" by Bruce Baillie, Film Culture, No. 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Letter, August 18, 1978" by Bruce Baillie, Film Culture, No. 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Letter to Bill Wees, McGill University, January 4, 1978" by Bruce Baillie, Film Culture, No. 67-68-69, 1979.

 "Letter" by Bruce Baillie, Independent Eye Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer 1989.



(for rent from Canyon Cinema)

On Sundays (1960-61, 26 min.)

 David Lynn's Sculpture (1961, 3 min., unfinished)

 Mr. Hayashi (1961, 3 min.)

 The Gymnasts (1961, 8 min.)

 Friend Fleeing (1962, 3 min., unfinished)

 Everyman (1962, 6 min.)

 News #3 (1962, 3 min.)

 Have You Thought of Talking to the Director? (1962, 15 min.)

 Here I Am (1962, 10 min.)

 A Hurrah for Soldiers (1962-63, 4 min.)

 To Parsifal (1963, 16 min.)

 Mass for the Dakota Sioux (1964, 20 min.)

 The Brookfield Recreation Center (1964, 5 min.)

 Quixote 1964-65, 45 min., revised 1967)

 Yellow Horse (1965, 8 min.)

 Tung (1966, 6 min.)

 Castro Street (1966, 10 min.)

 All My Life (1966, 3 min.)

 Still Life (1966, 2 min.)

 Termination (1966, 6 min.)

 Port Chicago Vigil (1966, 9 min.)

 Show Leader (1966, 1 min.)

 Valentin De Las Sierras (1967, 10 min.)

 Quick Billy (1970, 70 min.)

 Roslyn Romance (Is It Really True?): Intro. I & II (1978)

The Holy Scrolls*. 16MM Archives - hitherto unseen films, spanning 35 years. Semi-edited, silent, spliced, prepared for a few special showings. Three years' work assembling five shows, 12 hours total. Completed 2-98. Includes program notes, dates, etc., and 10-minute introductory video with author commenting on films, video inserts from more recent life, family, etc. The complete Roslyn Romance, never released, as well as Day Ashore with Paul Tulley, 60's Berkeley/San Francisco. The Cardinal's Visit (80's), etc. Suggested live music accompaniment.

 * (So-named by Paul Arthur).


Beginning summer 1999, new prints from new internegatives, thanks to the Academy Film Archive and Pacific Film Archives! A new Castro Street now available (June '99).

Inquire this website, or Bruce Baillie c/o Canyon Cinema. Shipping weight approx. 85 lbs!




Canyon Cinema Cooperative. E-mail:; 2325 Third St., #338, SF, CA 94107 TEL: 415-626-2255. See catalog for print sales & rentals, videos, etc.

I am writing to announce the most recent update to our Canyon Cinema web page, located at:

There is even a new Bruce baillie web page announcing new video masters:

We have updated the filmakers index:

and the new films and videos:


Flicker. Scott Stark:


Filmmakers' Cooperative. 175 Lexington Avenue, NYC 10016. TEL: 212-889-3820.


London Filmmakers' Co-op. 42 Gloucester Ave., London NW1 8JD. TEL: 071-722-1728. FAX: 071-483-0068.


Canadian Filmmakers' Distribution Centre. 37 Hanna Ave., #220, Toronto, ON, Can., M6K 1W8. TEL: 416-588-0725. FAX: 416-588-7056. E-mail:; URL:


Light Cone. 27 rue Louis Braille, 75012, Paris, France. TEL: 33 1 46 28 11 21. FAX: 33 1 43 46 63 76.


Cinedoc. 18, rue Montmartre, 75001 Paris, France. TEL: 33 (1) 42 33 10 64. FAX: 33 1 40 39 98 59.

 Pacific Film Archive, UC Berkeley:
  Anthology Film Archives, NYC: http://www.ARTHOUSEINC.COM/ANTHOLOGY



Films on VHS:
   Approximately one-hour each tape, from excellent S-VHS masters, dubbed to broadcast quality VHS tape.


FIVE FILMS by Bruce Baillie:



 Valentin de las Sierras

 Castro Street*

 All My Life


* (Library of Congress)


To Parsifal and Quixote


 Quick Billy available NOW on VHS! Excellent new SVHS master!

See Canyon Cinema for purchase


Day Ashore (Due late summer '99)

2 hours. b&w film, 1966 (NEA) with Paul Tulley. Never shown - rough cut, part of the Holy Scrolls Collection.


On Sundays

27 minutes. First film, 1961, b&w, with Jean Wong, San Francisco. Now available, by itself or in combination with:

Introduction to the Holy Scrolls , 10 minutes. (original video)

Salute, Part I , 17 minutes (original video) 5-99. my last work

Original Videos on VHS:


The P-38 Pilot. 15 minutes. 1990.

 Commute. 60-min. 1995.

 See Canyon Cinema for purchase, or inquire this website.



Remastering best segments of the Dr. Bish Remedies show, I & II. 60 minutes (video)

Day Ashore (see Volume Four). Due 8-99 (Film-video, 2 hours)

Chapt. X (Novel - journal - internet). Aiming at 2003 A.D. for "publication". Sixty years of archival photos. Begun 1988, the Doctor's last project, a work of fiction. 3 laser copies, to be released in 3 large provided boxes.




Radio. The Dr. Bish Remedies Show "for Commuters", # III - XII (# XIII in-progress), 1992 - present. 90-min. each, one quality cassette $20. Order from: Bish Laboratories, this website (E-mail address coming soon). Or c/o Canyon Cinema.


Example: # VIII, 3-94 -



 Movie Quiz

 Bob & Ray

 Unfounded Claims Dept.

 Dreadful Mysteries (Sherlock Holmes)

 Listener Response Dept.

 Spanish in Record Time

 Gracie (Laboratory cat) on swimsuits & fashion.


Shows often program the continuing, Under Milkwood - Dylan Thomas, with Richard Burton.







General Notes:


See Remedies pages for current notes, the daily E-mail, etc.


Photos, radio, and video, will eventually make their appearance, in respective categories, budget and facilities.


(E-mail address furnished soon for respondents.)


The Doctor is available for his ongoing seminaring:


Information & Innocence - Alternatives to Success!


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