By November of 1996, I was in a position to restart the Star Destroyer project. I now had a home computer that was properly equipped to handle the project, and I felt like I completely understood how the model should look and operate. So with MicroStation Mac loaded on my computer, I then spent the next eight months or so redoing the design of the model. The model was designed in a 3D design file to be 5' 3" long, although I'm going to scale the model up to a full 6 feet. This length will result in a 1/880th scale model since a full size Star Destroyer is one mile long.
The model itself is composed of a total of 64 major pieces and each piece was created on a separate level in the design file. The fact that each piece of the model is on a separate level is important because this setup allows me to turn off any level, and therefore any part of the model that I don't want to see. Placing each piece of the model on a different level also allows me to be able to do "in place" dimensioning of each piece.
By June 1997, I had the 3D model redesign essentially complete although further additions to the design were made until September 1998. On September 20, 1998 I started dimensioning the model's components, and this process should hopefully take about three or four months to complete. Once the dimensioning of each piece of the model is complete, I can print each resulting drawing out and begin cutting each piece of the model out. Below are actual screen plots of the model from different views.
top side front isometric