This page has officially and permanently moved to Please change your bookmarks and/or notify the maintainer of the page through which you found mine. Thanks for visiting :D

*spit shake* Heya! Welcome t' th' Letterpress' press room. First things first -- I wanna thank Jumpy for stayin' up late t' make that great banner for th' Letterpress. Y' can use it if y' wanna link t' this page. Betcha want one for your own page, don'cha? Well, I'm sure she'll be more than happy t' make one for ya -- just stop by 'er page!

Letterpress press room last refurbished November 6, 1998
Moved almost ev'rything t' my new place at, where it was last updated December 8, 1998

Yeah, this used t' be my Newsies Niche, but I got bored with that name. Oh, speakin' of names, I forgot t' tell ya mine. In case y' don't know me already, th' newsies call me Scribe, and Uncle Bryan calls me Jacqui Kelly (well, actually, now 'e calls me Jacqui McAfee, since th' weddin'). But y' can call me either one, I don't mind. Oh, y' wanna find out a little more about me before th' tour? Step int' my office.

I often thought about makin' a Newsies page of my own, a tribute t' Disney's (possibly anyone's) best movie musical of all time. It also, in my opinion, marked th' enda Disney's really GREAT live action movies. I can't think of nothin' about Newsies that hasn't already been covered perfectly by other fans on th' net. But thanks t' all my friends, this has become a pretty good page on it's own, if I do say so m'self. It still has a page with links t' my fave Newsies fanfics, just in case any of ya missed 'em. If y' have any other ideas on what I could do t' improve th' Letterpress, e-mail me.

The Letterpress is winnin' awards!!!!!

Yep, that's right! I'm so proud! My very first awards -- don't worry, I ain't gonna make ya sit through a boring acceptance speech where I thank th' academy and th' little people, 'cuz let's face it -- I ain't never been t' th' academy, and I am a little, person. So, why don't I just let ya look at these great awards :)

Pretty nifty, huh? Allyson gave me this one -- why don'cha go check out her page?


Here's th' one I got from Red; go on and stop by her Monkles Homepage (yes, y' read it right -- MonkLes. Just stop by :D)


What happens when you put a newsy on Broadway? Take a look!

They decide to soak 'em for Crutchy, and they meet th' Krips! Or do they meet th' Krig? No one seems t' be sure just what Race calls that group. Find out here!

I decided t' try my hand at some fan-fics (hey, y' knew there had t' be somethin' behind my nick!); here's th' result. I'm really gettin' int' th' whole fanfic thing, so you'll be seein' more fanfics up here as I get 'em done and approved by my newsy pals. In fact, I just added a new one, Mesquite, November 6.

If you're already a fan of the movie, I'd like your help on somethin'. T' find out about it, come in and join

Thanks t' Aria at Avalon for th' logo


Angela fixed this up for th' OTHER rally. Pretty cool, huh? If you're plannin' on goin' t' th' rally next year, and y' need info on it, check out her page.

All ya cultured newsies can check out my Phantom Library.

I finally got a message board! Well, I've had it for a while, but it's been hooked up t' my Renaissance page. But now y' guys can post messages at th' Letterpress Press

Here's some links t' my favorite Newsies pages
I'll always be searchin' and addin' more.



Sign a newsy's yearbook, take the quiz, take the survey, chat, do a word search...Well, you get the idea ;)
You'll have fun there!


Sparky runs the best fan club! Become a newsy's guardian angel, look at the pic of the week, and more


Here's the other fan club ;D It's got a quiz, pix, and a fanfic webring. Check it out to see more :)


This page is incredible! You'll find info on what Newsies actors are doing now, links of the month...well, just check it out! And don't forget to check out The Newsies Café while you're there :)


One of th' coolest Newsies spots on th' net! My pal Sharkbait's done a great job, and y'll wanna check it out.


It may seem small, but she's packed a lot of great Newsies stuff in! She has pictures, links, and fanfic, as well as "Everything I need to know, I learned from Newsies", a must-read for any true Newsies fan


Lynn's sent a zillion people t' th' Big Screen Rally, so I figured th' least I could do was link t' her page!


Twobtz's Santa Fe Sun
Krimp's Distribution Center

Thanks for th' background!

This is just a little taste of all th' great pages out there, an' I love 'em all. Check out th' others here.

Letterpress Readers
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friends of th' newsies've read th' Letterpress since April 15, 1998 -- ain'cha proud t' be one of 'em?

Picture from The Back Page

Where d' y' think you're goin'? Y' didn't think y' could get outta here wit'out runnin' int' us, did ya? Hey, don't worry, Morris 'n' me'll let y' go, as long as y' promise t' tell us if y' run int' that lousy Cowboy -- he ain't gettin' away this time!

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