why i made this section

i've written a research paper and a speech promoting the legalization of doctor-assisted suicides in the United States. though i personally think Dr. Jack Kevorkian is one of the creepiest looking men i've ever seen, i think he's basically a good man. i don't believe i'd go so far as to call him a hero, but i'd definitely not call him a murderer, either. both my speech and my research paper received good reviews from my teachers and peers. i'd love to share these with you here, but i fear someone will plagiarize me. this, among some other essays of various topics, i think, would fit in nicely at this piece of crap i call "the valerie gallery." [some of these essays including the topics of R.E.M., a comparison of "Hamlet" to "The Lion King," and the death of a girl i knew.] i just don't think i can trust everyone on the internet, so i can't add these papers.

* Important:
a number of people have been e-mailing me asking me for more information both about D.A.S. and about myself (needed to reference my page). as far as extra information, i really don't have any. anything i think i can help you with, i've already provided here at this web site. i've not really researched the topic since before Dr. Kevorkian was sentenced, and that's why i don't have any information about any of that here. however, i have provided a number of links where you can go to get more information, and i'm sure things like that are included at at least some of those sites. as for information about me needed for referencing my site in reports and things like that, here's what i'll tell you about me:
  • Name: Valerie Nett
  • E-Mail: flying_icebergs@yahoo.com
  • URL of this Web Site: http://geocities.datacellar.net/flying_icebergs/info.html
  • Occupation: college student
  • Location: Wisconsin

  • the only other information you should need is the date of page publication. sadly, i didn't make note of when i started this site, but you can just put down the date of the last update, which is located at the bottom of the information page, between to red blinky stars.


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