"Slimer! And
The Real Ghostbusters"

No. 16

August 1990

Cover: unknown

"Slimer And The Ghostly Egg"
W: Diane M. Piron, Katherine Llewellyn  |  P: Gordon Morrison  |  In: Jim Brozman  |  L: Joseph Allen  |  C: Staff
Slimer finds a strange egg, and Dweeb wants it as bait for the spud!

"Ray's From The Grave"
W: John Carnell  |  Ar: Phil Elliott, Dave Harwood  |  L: Tom Lerner  |  C: Stuart Place
In Maine, Ray's trapped on the other side! How can the guys get him back? And how does it involve a toilet?

"An Inspectre [sic] Calls"
W: Dan Abnett  |  Ar: Anthony Williams, Phil Elliott  |  L: Glop  |  C: Lynn White
The Ghostbusters have tough new competition -- a creepy New England priest!