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Cast overview, first billed only:
James Robinson (II) .... Young William
Sean Lawlor .... Malcolm Wallace
Sandy Nelson (II) .... John Wallace
James Cosmo .... Campbell
Sean McGinley .... MacClannough
Alan Tall .... Elder Stewart
Andrew Weir .... Young Hamish
Gerda Stevenson .... Mother MacClannough
Ralph Riach .... Priest No. 1
Mhairi Calvey .... Young Murron
Brian Cox .... Argyle Wallace
Patrick McGoohan .... Longshanks - King Edward I
Peter Hanly .... Prince Edward
Sophie Marceau .... Princess Isabelle
Stephen Billington .... Phillip
Directed by: Mel Gibson 
Writing credits: Randall Wallace 
Genre: Action / Adventure / Drama / War / Romance
Tagline: What kind of man would defy a king?
Plot Outline: William Wallace, a commoner, unites the 13th Century Scots in their battle to overthrow English rule.
MPAA: Rated R for brutal medieval warfare.
Runtime: USA:177 / UK:171 / Argentina:177 / Australia:179 / Germany:171 / Netherlands:166
Country: USA
Language: English / French
Color: Color (DeLuxe)
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital / DTS
Certification: USA:R / UK:15 / Belgium:KT / Finland:K-16 / France:U /Germany:16 (w) / Iceland:16 / Netherlands:16 / Portugal:M/12 / Singapore:PG / Spain:18 / Sweden:15 / Argentina:16 / Australia:MA
Source : Internet Movie Database

mel Well, this is the page on Mel Gibson's Oscar winning movie! Basically, I don't have much to write on this movie because I personally have not watched the whole movie. I missed it on cinema but managed to catch it at my friend's house. Unfortunately, due to the decision of the majority, I could only watch the beginning, ending and the fighting sequences! I know, I know... how can I call myself a fan then! But who cares! I'm the one who is making this homepage! Hah! So with that, I will have to let you know that the summary of this movie is from Paramount's web site.

mel " In the late 13th century William Wallace (Mel Gibson) returns to Scotland after living away from his homeland for many years. The king of Scotland has died without an heir and the king of England - a ruthless pagan known as Edward the Longshanks - has seized the throne. Wallace becomes the leader of a ramshackle yet courageous army determined to vanquish the greater English forces. Wallace's courage and passion unite his people in Braveheart.

Following his directorial debut, "The Man Without a Face" Mel Gibson is directing, producing and starring in a film combining action, intrigue and romance to tell the story of legendary Scottish knight Sir William Wallace and the love that inspired him to fight for his country's freedom.

Braveheart also stars Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan, and Catherine McCormack."

mel Doesn't this movie just sound so great? Well, it's better than great!! The war sequences are very realistic thanks to Mel's superb directing and the really cool sound effects. Not that gory and bloody but the overall effect is just astounding.

From a man's point of view:
This movie is soooo cool. It's like the macho-est thing I have ever seen. The babe is gorgeous. And so was the fighting scene. The sound effects were a blast! What with my SUPER HUGE Hi-fi Stereo, all-surround system and the big speakers, the splats, whams, bangs, and what-nots were like awesome!! No beer though! I think Mel should add a scene where he and his muscle-bound warriors drink Guinness or something! But no sweat! I got my own beer with me while I watch the movie! Burp!

From a woman's point of view:
I think this movie is just simply fantastic! I like seeing the men wearing kilts! And that part where they show their tooshies... ooohh! Just melt my heart away! And those gorgeous blue eyes! Sigh!! I give this cute movie a 10 out of 10 little kisses! And thank goodness there is no beer stuff in it!!

sophie Hahahaha! Okay.. okay.. so I'm being really unrealistic! Don't mean to sound like a bad person, just exagerating things waaaayy out of proportion here for a good old hee-haw (laugh)! But there is a point to all that mumbo-jumbo stuff and that is that the movie is suitable for everbody (except the wee young kids). This movie is just laced with drama, passion, love, etc! And it shows you a man can be committed too! Haha!

I think I might just get my friend to let me see the movie again. What about you?

Well, guess what folks? I finally got to watch the whole movie! By accident, I stumbled upon the Braveheart video in my college's library and so, I spent 6 free periods spread throughout a few weeks to watch the whole movie. It's pretty tiring to watch the movie in 30 minutes segments but it was well worth the effort!! Hahaha! And YEsss mum... I didn't forget my homework and studies!!!

mel mel Dying for more pictures? Well, don't go puking on me!! Just CLICK HERE!!!

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