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Cast overview, first billed only:
Mel Gibson .... Tom Mullen
Rene Russo .... Kate Mullen
Brawley Nolte .... Sean Mullen
Gary Sinise .... Detective Jimmy Shaker
Delroy Lindo .... Agent Lonnie Hawkins
Lili Taylor .... Maris Conner
Liev Schreiber .... Clark Barnes
Donnie Wahlberg .... Cubby Barnes
Evan Handler .... Miles Roberts
Nancy Ticotin .... Agent Kimba Welch
Michael Gaston .... Agent Jack Sickler
Kevin Neil McCready .... Agent Paul Rhodes
Paul Guilfoyle (II) .... Wallace
Allen Bernstein .... Bob Stone
José Zúñiga .... David Torres
Directed by: Ron Howard 
Writing credits: Jonathan Gold 
Alexander Ignon 
Genre: Drama / Action / Thriller
Tagline: Someone is going to pay.
Plot Outline: When a rich man's son is kidnapped, he cooperates with the police at first but then tries a unique tactic against the criminals.
MPAA: Rated R for graphic, bloody violence and strong language.
Runtime: USA:117 / Australia:121
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Black and White / Color (Technicolor)
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital
Certification: USA:R / UK:15 / Germany:16 (w) / Netherlands:14 / Norway:15 / Portugal:M/16 / Spain:18 / Australia:MA / Finland:K-14
Source : Internet Movie Database
movie poster R ansom is another great movie starring Mel Gibson as Tom Mullen, the rich business tycoon! This movie, brought to you by director Ron Howard, the same cool guy that gave us Apollo 13, is about Tom Mullen and his wife (Rene Russo) who are having a crisis when their son (Brawley Nolte) is kidnapped!

The story start off with the viewers having a taste of the good life that Tom lives. He has a loving wife, a wonderful son and money to last him for a very looong time! His wife loves him tremendously and respect him for his honest and hardworking personality that brought them where they are now.

mel Then one day, while at a Science Fair (I think), their son gets kidnapped by a group of people. One of the kidnappers works as a maid at the Mullen's residence and another is a rather kind hearted guy (Donnie Wahlberg). Who's the head honcho here? Well, that's the nice part that you just have to see it for yourself but it's rather obvious if you read the list of the cast of this movie. Okay, okay, it's Gary Sinise! Geez!

mel and crew As most kidnapping cases go, the kidnappers demand a ransom for the safe return of Tom's son. Having no idea of what to do, the Mullens turn to a FBI detective played by Delroy Lindo for assistance. Delroy assures Tom that everything would turn out fine if he would just obey whatever the kidnappers ask for but of course the police would try their very best to catch the kidnappers. At first Mel's charater, Tom agrees with the detective but later after getting the statistics on the success rate of getting back the kidnapped victim, he follows his own instincts and decides to turn the tables on the kidnappers. Going on air, he tells everybody that he is offering a prize cash on anybody who could bring in the kidnappers. And so with a bounty on their heads, the kidnappers become desperate and the movie goes into overdrive.

And the story goes on...

mel mel

Seriously, you just have to watch the movie yourself! It's great, fast paced and just simply awesome! Even if you have already watched the movie, you should just go out and buy the tape just to watch it again. The ending is just too great as there is a chase scene on foot in the middle of the city by Mel and the head kidnapper. The movie is rated... something for its graphical violence but honestly I think Jurasic Park is more violent. It's only the ending that you have to watch out for because you may just not like to see blood splurting out of a person's throat!

Wanna read what some movie critics have to say about this movie? Then, CLICK HERE !!

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