
Widowmaker's Offical Web Page.

Ok Widowmaker is A Name I used to use in a Game called L.O.R.D (Legend of the red Dragon) A Former BBS Game that can now be found on the web. Anyways After getting online I started Entering A number of E-feds And Widowmaker was one of my very First Wreslter's I ever Used. I quickly Started using another Character call Manowar. from them The Metal Powers Were Born. From Time to time My Message Board Will have Samples of the Roleplays I have done in Different Roleplays. I have used the Following Charcters.

Lita Ford
Iron Maiden
Kevin Nash

In my time as a E-feder I have won many Titles. Just about every Common title out there I have owned.

World Title
IC title
European Title
US Title
Hardcore title
TV Title
Woman's World Title

I have Also Added a Few Roleplays to Web Pages to Show What I can do.

Sample roleplays
Roleplay Board
Email me At Widowmaker777@YAHOO.COM