


Hello one and all and welcome to first weekly edition of the IC Comedy

Club Newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is simple - to combine all

the emails that the club would normally send out in one week into one

newsletter to decrease the amount of email you have to read and remember.

In each newsletter we'll have info about up coming stand up comedy shows,

Blissful Idiots shooting information and new episodes alerts, along with

information on upcoming improv and live sketch comedy performances. Each

Tuesday please check your email for the newest information. With out

further ado...the news....



Our first show at Risley Theater over at Cornell last weekend went off with

a big hit. We did a few improve games and Shane Kasakouski did some down

right hilarious stand up. But for all those that didn't participate we have

good news. Our first on campus stand - up is scheduled for Wednesday

September 29th at 8:00 in the Coffeehouse. All people who are interested in

doing the stand up routine please email Lee Marren at

lmarren1@ic3.ithaca.edu. For those who might want to be involved in the

improv games can just respond to the IC Comedy email address. We also have

an open - mic night the following week (Oct. 6th) for those who are

interested in doing something a little different. And finally a few days

later on the October 9th we have the first show at THE HAUNT at around 9pm.

Once again those interested in stand-up please email Lee and all others just

respond to ICComedy itself.



We are still meeting regularly at 7pm on Tuesdays in Terrace 9 - Suite

226 to film skits. The Best of from last season will continue to run on

Channel 13 at 11pm for the next two Thursdays. Sept. 30th starts the new

season!! You'll be sure to hear lots about that when it gets here. If you

are at all interested in acting, writing, or producing for the show please

respond and let us know (ICComedy@hotmail.com or 375-5457).

Blissful Idiots is going international! Jolly good teli' program old

chap! A copy of the show has been sent to London, England where clips will

be featured as part of a program on American Culture. This definitely will

bring new meaning to the term "Ugly American."



Looks like we have a major comic from NYC coming up at the end of the year

to visit us and play Emerson suites or the Gym. We are still in the process

of organizing this, but get involved now and maybe you'll be one of the acts

to open for him!! If you have any self - plugs you'd like to get in the

newsletter please email us and well see what we can do. Also if you have

any ideas on fund-raisers or new events the club can take apart in then

please email us.


Quote/Joke of the Week

"And that my friends is MUNG...." - Phil Haney doing stand-up at The

Canticlear March 27th,1999


***Also if for any reason you would not like to receive this weekly

newsletter from the IC Comedy Club please respond and tell us so. Remember

this will be the only email you recieve from us each week!***



Ryan, Phil, Lee

ICComedy Club


For the latest on the IC Comedy club visit:
