Dear visitor:.
I am Abdulfatah,
dedicated to the honor and preservation of the Islamic education. My sole aim is to convey the message of Islam (lectures and publications) through
the internet, the latest technology available now.
Choose whatever link you desire, and feel free to state your comments in the guestbook area.
Thanks to the hundreds of brothers/sisters who
sent their suggestions and encouraging comments about my Islamic Site. Your kind words
were very much appreciated. Jazak-Allah.
Please stay turned for the new projects that I
will (Allah willing) be presenting in this year of 1999.
Fadlan, haddii aad heyso qoraalo Islaami ah, ama aad
jeceshahay inaad hadda walaalahaaga Muslimiinta ah u diyaariso ila soo xiriir.
Soomaalidu waa dad muslim ah waxeyna ka faa'iidaysan karaan
Internet-ka ~ qalabka casriga ah ee wakhtigaan dunida aad looga isticmaalo si ay isu
dhaafsadaan su'aalo / jawaabo iyo wax-barasho ama macluumaad kusaabsan diinta Islaamka.
Waxaan damacsanahay inaan halkaan ka sameeyo meelo qoraalo la isku dhaafsado si diinta barashadeeda loogu sahlo Soomaalida ku nool qurbaha.
Waxaa kale oo aad ka heli kartaa Boggeyga meelo kale (links)
ka hadlaya diinta Islamka.
Somalis are Muslim people and my Home page will take part in
Islamic education and discussions. I am willing to provide a
discussion forum, articles, mailing lists and more, so the Muslim people especially
the Somalis, will benefit from my Islamic Home Page which is
wealth of information on Muslim religion.
Please make Dua for me // Fadlan iisoo ducey.
Your brother-in-Islam
Abdulfatah Mohamed
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.