MetalMatt presents....

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This page may contain explicit sounds....

who am I kidding, OF COURSE IT WILL!!!!!

For all you fans, or anyone in need of a good movie, rent Suicide Kings. It stars Christopher Walken and Denis Leary along with some other actors you might recognize. I just finished watching it and it is one of the best flicks i have seen in awhile. It's a suspense/thriller, with some comedy and Denis Leary's character is great. Walken is amazing as always!!RENT IT NOW!!! SUICIDE KINGS.

2/10/00** I put in a couple new transcriptions, they are real funny take a read on. I have been having trouble with the site and havent been able to update it, but now im back. I am finally going to fullfill your requests that you have been wanting to hear. Thanx for visiting the site and for the feedback. DO NOT REQUEST SONGS..anyways it sounds better when you play it off the cd, and if you dont have the cd, GO AND BUY IT!! Also, i alot of times have the clip you want already on the page..i know you cant tell what the clips are b4 you download but thats what makes my site original, i think??!

6/1/00** I know that the way i spelled 'loser' differently, so stopped telling me that i spelled it wrong. Thank you and Pull up your pants!

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Click on What You Want To Hear...Sh*thead!!!!!

When you click on the wav, the caption for that wav will appear in the bottom of your browser.
All Clips are in WAV. format

JUST UPDATED!!!! 2/10/00Click on the Coffee pic to goto the new section!! JUST UPDATED!!!!

You wanted it, you got it...the "Asshole Song"

Asshole Song Mp3 format.
or download it from Geoff Brown's site. Asshole Song.

Last updated as of 6.15.00

A Smoker's last years...

Sorry officer I was too busy SMOKIN!

Spewing out nuggets at smokers

Why do my parents punish me by making me mow the lawn?

Suicide Kings Clips
Don't ever give Denis a graphite club when he is trying to beat someone down in a strip club!

What are you looking at?!

Denis dont drop his gun!

Stand up and whistle Dixie!

Stingray Boots..5 parts
SBPart 1

SBPart 2

SBPart 3

SBPart 4

SBPart 5

Come out Leary, your surrounded! (personal fav.)

Shut the F up by Dr.Denis Leary

Smoking on the friendly skies! Pt.1

Smoking on the friendly skies! Pt.2

At the confessional with Father Leary

Fat people at the slots

and tell the colonel he can kiss my ass

Dad,dad,dad,dad,dad, on the phone!!!

What word are we makin you say?

Hitler commentary

One happy man

Thats right Mr. Leary, your the ahole!

Blow me down!

You dont know Jack!

Love Triangle Pt.1

Love Triangle Pt.2

A little advice from Dr.Leary to all you parents

Where is Denis going?!?!

Life 'bout a helmet!

Thank you and #@$%@ you!

Lets Go Back to VietNam!

Cows with voiceboxes??

Mama Cass Trilogy PT.1



Who to thank for your drug problem!

Ah..Billy Martin

We love you NYQUIL!!!

What Denis thinks of you

Want some ludes

Maple Nut Crunch???

..a fashion statement

Maybe the sandwich the vcr???

What was that about

What Denis thinks of you after you sell him something

* most of the clips that you hear on this site have been recorded and edited myself. If your putting up a Denis site, make your own, plus it more fun that way, be original!!