Hi! this is my guestbook, just sign it and tell me what did you think of my page.:)

12/17/00 19:46:44
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: yes,is the best serie of mtv
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no Did u like the site?: yes is very cool


12/13/00 22:26:10
Name: richard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: i love daria i got all the merchandise Which is your fav char from Daria?: the sinic herself Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: isn't that up to them
Did u like the site?: it was ok but im not 2 sure about the self sung theme song


12/13/00 22:24:51
Name: richard My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: i love daria i got all the merchandise


12/13/00 22:24:15
Name: richard
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


12/10/00 01:50:43
Name: Zainian My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yeah, She Rocks! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Naa
Did u like the site?: Yeah, It Was Really Cool!

Bad Azz Site Keep It up!!!!! E-Mail Me If You Know Of Any Other Daria Sites. K

11/04/00 21:57:34
Name: Cheryll My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Daria is hella cool Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria and Jane Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no
Did u like the site?: yeah!!!!!

Daria is my fav. show since the simpsons!!

10/24/00 18:22:35
Name: Shawna My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: She kicks Ass! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Nope- it fits! Did u like the site?: it's pretty cool

If Daria were alive she'd be my bestfriend

10/10/00 18:02:30
Name: amy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no
Did u like the site?: it was okay


10/05/00 02:00:00
Name: ariel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: hell ya Which is your fav char from Daria?: DARIA Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no
Did u like the site?: yes

you should add more stuf this place is cool

09/15/00 23:23:59
Name: hypergulrof2000 My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: ya Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: ya Did u like the site?: i little


09/15/00 11:43:20
Name: bad bitch Do you like Daria?: yeah
Which is your fav char from Daria?: QUIN!!! Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: um...nope.
Did u like the site?: yup!

i haven't even been here for one minute and i'm signing the damn guestbook!

09/14/00 19:58:50
Name: brittany My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: oh yeah she kicks ass! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane cause we both are artist and both pretty quiet. Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: not really its pretty unique.
Did u like the site?: so far its really great!

I just want to tell everybody that Daria lives in a cool world and she is so cool cause she is very opened minded.I wish I could be like her and I think people should stop saying Daria sucks cause she kicks butt.

09/10/00 17:24:29
Name: JENNIFER DRYMAN My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: YA ALOT Which is your fav char from Daria?: JANE Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: NO
Did u like the site?: YES


09/05/00 23:17:24
Name: Dori My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: She's cool! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: I don't know!
Did u like the site?: It's really cool!

I like your daria theme song, it's really cool, I hope you can make a video out of that. I love the music! Keep up the good work!

08/24/00 00:44:16
Name: Jesica My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: Oh Course!!!!!!!! :) Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no Did u like the site?: ya

I Luv Daria she is like all gals feel once in a while.

08/20/00 12:24:10
Name: Joanna (Daria II ) My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Of Course, Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: i dunno Did u like the site?: Yep sure DO!!

Mad Site, DARIA RULZ!! She's a kool person, she a sick sad person (hehehe) lol.

07/12/00 05:15:23
Name: skorpion_fish My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: she's a biut pessemistic, but likeable. She gives me an excuse to be myself Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: what's there name? Did u like the site?: oh yeah!

Thanks for the pictures. I'm an aspiring manga artist and they really helped

07/11/00 16:33:56
Name: ali My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: YES Which is your fav char from Daria?: Sandi
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no I like it Did u like the site?: it's cool

I love your pictures

07/10/00 16:19:07
Name: cassie My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: brittany
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: yes Did u like the site?: yes it's a very good side to visit


07/06/00 19:47:14
Name: Liannis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: Yes
Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Yes, to Drunken Monkey

Great site! You'll love the secret stories, secret pictures and free private e-mail over at http://www.liespeopletell.com -- check it out!

07/04/00 21:18:28
Name: jose seijo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: I love her Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no
Did u like the site?: yes


07/04/00 21:16:24
Name: jose seijo
My URL: Visit Me


07/01/00 18:33:35
Name: Quinn Perez My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Quinn
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: No Did u like the site?: Yeah!!!

You did a good job!!!! This site ROCKS!!!!!!!!

06/30/00 01:34:07
Name: Kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: ya Which is your fav char from Daria?: quinn Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: hotties
Did u like the site?: hell ya

send me anything on daria. or even quinn. especially pics

06/25/00 21:08:41
Name: jess My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: jaine
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no


06/25/00 21:07:16
Name: jess
My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: dah


06/25/00 21:07:12
Name: jess
My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: dah


06/15/00 23:02:57
Name: Julia My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: Hell yes. Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria, of course.
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Nope. Did u like the site?: Yes, it rocks!

This site is awesome. Everything is so cool. I dressed up as Daria, for Homecoming Week. And I won, "Best Dressed." That was 4 months ago, and my classmates still call me Daria. It's funny. Anyhoo, keep up the good work on this site. I think Daria and Tre t should get together.

05/31/00 21:09:52
Name: Vanessa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: Like her?!! I LOVE HER
Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria,/ Trent


05/28/00 21:11:29
Name: janet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: britny Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: yes
Did u like the site?: yes


05/18/00 18:18:39
Name: Green My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: A TON Which is your fav char from Daria?: I don't know Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: NO.NEVER!!
Did u like the site?: YAP!

This looks kinda cool! Good work,I have to say!!!!

04/28/00 05:54:28
Name: Brigitte Bardot Do you like Daria?: Yep
Which is your fav char from Daria?: Brittany Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Nup
Did u like the site?: Nup

This site is gay! It's crap and boring! A few words of advice buddy... Make it WAY more interesting!

04/21/00 04:37:37
Name: shirley manson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: OF COURSE
Which is your fav char from Daria?: jane Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: yea

AHHH I LOVE DARIA AND THIS SITE ur now on my favorites :) i like everything about ths site ahhh can u give me the html for the daira theme song on ur main page? p.s respond back in e-mail and by the way if u happen to sign my g-book there no need to say t anks for signing my g-book i rather here what u feel about the site okay? bye bye keep it up ok

04/21/00 00:35:23
Name: Tam My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: YEAH!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Quinn ROX
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: No way! The name they have now is fine! It's pretty cool really!!! Did u like the site?: YEAH!! Course I do. It's wicked! Totally.


04/16/00 16:09:30
Name: Tanya My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no
Did u like the site?: yes

this is awsome

03/24/00 13:49:31
Name: sixfingersam My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yeah, she's cool Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: they should chage on every other episode
Did u like the site?: sure it's about Daria right

Thanks for your time.

03/11/00 00:53:08
My URL: Visit Me


03/08/00 19:53:22
Name: alice My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: kevin Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: maybe
Did u like the site?: yes

i would like to be as cool as Daria

02/22/00 06:39:41
Name: Jess My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria's sister Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no
Did u like the site?: yes

Da web site was mad cool. Nice job. Oh yes and phat subject; Daria? I don't know but it's all good. love, Thee Princess

02/02/00 23:51:06
Name: Annie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yea! She's the best! Which is your fav char from Daria?: TRENT LANE!!! Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Na, it's good as Mystic Spiral
Did u like the site?: Yes! It's awesome

I'm going to marry Trent Lane one day! :) He's such a hottie!

01/02/00 05:47:50
Name: shawn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria


12/13/99 06:43:20
Name: Lily My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: totally! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria the kwell Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Ask them
Did u like the site?: I guess so

Daria is totally out of this world...can't seem to hate her.

12/09/99 04:53:11
Name: Jane My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: what do you think! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane, I love her art!
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: I think it's good being undecided like it is. Did u like the site?: yes

What is this Titanic? DARIA vs TITANIC I say. You can't be a real Daria fan if you like Titanic it just doesn't work! By the way my worst memories of Titanic is the hype, Leo, the music!). my favourite character was the iceberg!

11/25/99 03:04:54
Name: Melissa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane & Daria Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no
Did u like the site?: maybe


11/17/99 16:17:24
Name: David My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: Yes!
Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Did u like the site?: pretty much

your site is cool!!!!

09/14/99 02:08:08
Name: Angelabyth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: no. i love Daria. Which is your fav char from Daria?: 'the anonymous blonde girl in the army jacket'. besides her, andrea, daria, and jane. Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: perhaps
Did u like the site?: indeed


09/11/99 13:44:17
Name: Golden Fairy My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: l love daria it is so cool Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent he is such a babe
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no way Did u like the site?: it is so cool

l loved your site it is so cool l love the pit of Trent if you want to chat my ICQ is <36135172>

09/11/99 04:54:34
Name: phillippa buller My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: she is so cool Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria and jane Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: nope they are pretty cool
Did u like the site?: yep,it was wicked !!

I reckon Daria is the coolest show on TV and i reckon this site is cool for all those Daria fans.

09/11/99 04:49:41
Name: Phillippa Buller
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


09/11/99 01:44:24
Name: Natasha My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yeah, of course Which is your fav char from Daria?: trent & daria & jane Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no, its cool!
Did u like the site?: y no!

some1 email me im boared!!

09/09/99 10:36:56
Name: Luke McDonald My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yep, sure do Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: No way,Mystik spiral rocks
Did u like the site?: yeah,its really cool


09/09/99 02:37:45
Name: Sarah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: ya Which is your fav char from Daria?: trent Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no it's a cool name
Did u like the site?: It's really cool so I gusse ya

I really like this web site It is so cool.

08/22/99 11:40:39
Name: Billie Roseanna Wright My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yes. She tells it like it is. Which is your fav char from Daria?: Whoever first kills Quinn.
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: I think it should be left open to change, but their current name's fine for now, until they find something better. Did u like the site?: It's pretty good, I couldn't do better, but then, I'm no expert. Yeah, I like it, which you shpuld take as a huge compliment, 'couse I don't normally 'do' the 'like' thing.

I think it's pretty perthetic the way people say stuff like "I love Daria, she's just like me! And I think Trent is sooo Cute!!!" Becuase saying something like that is just an oxymoron. (something that's self contradictory.) Anyway everybody's entitled to their own opinion, no matter how completely and utterly wrong they are, still, what can you expect?

08/09/99 06:34:14
Name: Emma My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: YES! Which is your fav char from Daria?: TRENT! Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: yeah.
Did u like the site?: yeah

My makeovers are on this YAY ME!

08/03/99 20:37:50
Name: Anna Do you like Daria?: Yup
Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: No
Did u like the site?: Kind of...

None, except I really think Quinn and Trent should get together because theyd make a cute couple

08/01/99 02:45:19
Name: sally My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: Ilove Daria Which is your fav char from Daria?: Quin
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: NO!! Did u like the site?: kinda

You should fix the makeovers page because when you click on janes page it shows jakes makeovers.

07/31/99 12:20:55
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: JANE
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: NO Did u like the site?: YES


07/31/99 12:19:06
Name: Thomas Smith
My URL: Visit Me


07/21/99 16:57:39
Name: arliz espinosa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yea!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no
Did u like the site?: yea!!

me encanto!!

07/21/99 04:51:09
Name: Amanda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: No. I hate Daria. I just go around to Daria sites because I hate Daria. There, that was a big of sarcasm. Does *that* tell you if I like Daria? Which is your fav char from Daria?: I like Daria and Jane. Everyone else is just scary. Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Perhaps, although I think Mystic Spiral is just fine. And no, they shouldn't spell "mystic" with two "y"s. If they did, Daria would become "D-A-R-Y-A" and be crowned Miss America. And no "Helpful Did u like the site?
Did u like the site?: Pretty good, although the style of writing could have been less general and more descriptive. You do know what you're talking about, obviously, but it might have been better with more pics! Hee hee hee! Anyway, it w s pretty good overall. hee! Anyway, it was pretty good overall.:

I think I've commmented enough.

07/20/99 13:48:36
Name: Dred My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: I love DARIA, I'm a Daria freak. Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria(she reminds me of me) and Trent(i thing he's so cute) Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: I think that one is fine.
Did u like the site?: I loved it a lot.

This site is incredibly good. I really loved it. I'm a very huge Daria fan. I love her character and the way she is (just like me). Trent is a cutie he is so hott. Hey! keep up the good work. I didn't know guys liked Daria so much the way you do. Coool!!< >
07/18/99 10:23:13
Name: cathy My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: HELL YEAH!!!!!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane :)
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no Did u like the site?: yes!!!!!!!!!!

I loved your site!!! it RULZ!!!!!! People don't pay enough attention to Jane though. She should be the star! but apart from that I love the show!

07/18/99 10:11:19
My URL: Visit Me


06/17/99 01:03:47
Name: Lorena My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: no
Did u like the site?: yes

De verdad q t quedo brutal.Sigue ahi escrbiendo y mejorando el site.

06/05/99 14:51:18
Name: Carol My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: No Did u like the site?: yes

Cool site jorge! I dont even watch the show but think I like the cartoons and the way the talk and everything! Cya

06/05/99 14:50:54
Name: Carol My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: No Did u like the site?: yes

Cool site jorge! I dont even watch the show but think I like the cartoons and the way the talk and everything! Cya

06/05/99 14:49:57
Name: Carol My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yeah Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: No Did u like the site?: yes


05/27/99 13:52:06
Name: Raph My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: I adore this show ! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane. (She's so cool) Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Yes ! They should call Wooden trees
Did u like the site?: Yes. Good Job !

I'm french and Daria is not yet very wellknowned in France but I can tell you that more and more french people watch and appreciate that show. Actually, there's only 3 french sites (I'm in)about Daria but soon, there'll be more and more.

05/25/99 21:31:51
Name: Dalia Cruz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: yes
Did u like the site?: yes

Hey Jorge!!!! Cool page. De verdad no se que mas escribir porque no soy muy buena escribiendo cosas en esto. Happy Birthday!!!!

05/25/99 03:23:41
Name: francisco j perez My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: no lo e visto Which is your fav char from Daria?: que se yo
Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: que se yo quien es trent Did u like the site?: si loco te quedo bien

JoRge mI pAnA AqUI DeJo mI hUeLLA gRAcIaS pOr aQuEllo (Tu SaBes) mEra La PaGina EsTA bUeNa Aun QUE DesConoSco DeL teMa buenO QuIeRO MAnDArle Un SaLUdo a HeLGA,LoreNA, MeLISA,tUtty,aManda que se les quiere y a mis colegas los AGGRESSIVE SUPERSTARS gRInd iS nOT A crime 3:16 said soooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05/20/99 20:48:07
Name: Idalisse My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Of course!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: I don't know
Did u like the site?: Yes, it's really cool!!!

Jorge, you are doing a great job, keep it up!!! Daria is super cool!!! Keep up the good work!!! Best wishes!!!

05/20/99 20:44:59
Name: Idalisse My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: Of course


05/19/99 15:23:00
Name: Razor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yeah, obviously... Which is your fav char from Daria?: Stacy. Man, she's hot! Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: Yeah, to Perverted Bread.
Did u like the site?: Yeah, it's pretty sweet!

Hey, man, I like the site! It's got all sorts of stuff I haven't seen anywhere else. Very cool, indeed...anyway, see you later... Razor

05/19/99 02:09:06
Name: Foxx Hound My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yes. Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria. Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: No.
Did u like the site?: No.

This site sucks ass!!!!

05/19/99 02:08:01
Name: Foxx Hound
My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yes.


05/13/99 01:29:07
Name: Julia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: I Love Daria!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Rulz!! Do you think Trent's band should change their name:)?: NOOOO
Did u like the site?: Ya..it's kewl

Hey jorge, it's me Julia "Happy"..we went to school together. Remember me?...but of course!!..lol I love ur page, it kicks butt..Daria's like my favorite cartoon on tv. Hope everything's kewl with you!! Talk laterz, Julia Ps...Visit my webpage and sign my guestbook!!!

04/11/99 21:43:20
Name: Tay (Cristy) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yupperz Which is your fav char from Daria?: DARIA!!! and Trent Do you like Titanic?: yupperz
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: Every scene Leo is on :-)

Heya Jorge!!!! Cool page. Of course mine is cooler. Any Hanson page is better :-) No me hagas caso loco. Esta fina tu pagina. Hanson Rox!!! Peace, love & bulletproof marshmallows

04/09/99 07:44:53
Name: Katie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Is this a trick question? Which is your fav char from Daria?: Give me a B, give me an R, give me an I, give me a T, give me an N, give me a Y! Waaiit a minute.... Do you like Titanic?: Like getting extra homework I do!
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When Leo finally dies!!!

Cool page. Love the makeovers!

03/31/99 22:11:22
Name: ~*º¤HülâGï®l¤º*~ My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yep Which is your fav char from Daria?: dariaaaaaa
Do you like Titanic?: yep Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: cuando ellos estan en la proa del barco


Tu página está brutal,me encanta.Sigue asi!!!!jejejee Hugs!!!!!!!=-)

03/08/99 23:16:32
Name: Adriana (ZAC) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Of course Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Do you like Titanic?: I did
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: Every scene Leo's on

Hey This is you Hanson obsessed friend Adri (Zac), your page is way cool, keeo up the good work! Anytayz HANSON rocks, and thanxs for helping... Peace, love and bulletproof marhmallows, Adri(Zac)

03/05/99 23:54:21
Name: Stonear Bo
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I wish there were a photo of you too! I want to see you! It's a good Homepage anyway!!! Hugs from Bo

02/28/99 20:33:27
Name: maria My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: a lot!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria and queen
Do you like Titanic?: yes Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: when Jack & Rose kiss for the first time It's so romantic that scene


02/25/99 01:51:03
Name: sophie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: she rocks Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria Do you like Titanic?: yes and no
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: when she sticks her finger up at that bad man

she is so cool i love her

02/24/99 01:24:41
Name: meg ryan My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria in daira
Do you like Titanic?: no Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: when it sinks

your relly cool

02/21/99 11:28:07
Name: hayley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: i love daria Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria of course Do you like Titanic?: hmmmm nar use to!
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: where jack and rose were on the end of the ship , where they 1st kissed!

i just have to say! daria is the coolest cartoon! and your site is really cool too!

02/12/99 15:38:20
Name: Nic My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: YES! Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria Do you like Titanic?: for gods sake no!! what the hell is wrong with you people? if i liked titanic id haveta put myself down right here an now
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: when the main actors and the profits mysteriously got burned to ashes

if you liek titanic you have some serious issues that need to be adressed b4 you end up getting beaten and left lying in a gutter

02/09/99 01:17:23
Name: Trevor Morris My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: Ahh, Yeah Which is your fav char from Daria?: Mr.DeMario
Do you like Titanic?: Ahh, No Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When Leonado Died

I love the show because I can relate to it, I am surrounded by incredably stupid people, She is surrounded by increably stupid people She has stupid parents, I have stupid parents, She has a braindead sister, I have a braindead sister

02/01/99 03:12:40
Name: Jason My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Daria Kicks Ass Which is your fav char from Daria?: The History Teacher Do you like Titanic?: That was the worst fucking movie I've ever seen.
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When Leo drowned. I wish it had been more horrific.

I thought you had a good page. But then I found out that you apparently LIKED the movie Titanic. How can you like Daria AND Titanic? You must be some kind of teenybopper, who keeps hundred of pictures of daria smiling all over your notebooks, etc. People ike that sicken me.

01/02/99 15:09:55
Name: Khenen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: i don't know. Which is your fav char from Daria?: i don't know. Do you like Titanic?: yes i like it.
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When the ship is crashing into the sea.

Hi Jorge, i never thought you could do something so wonderful, but still surprised by this webpage i can tell you are a genious man. Maybe you can improve it, but it is almost perfect.

01/02/99 02:17:18
Name: Staci My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: OF COURSE! SHE'S THE BEST! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you like Titanic?: It was ok
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: Dunno

This page is really cool! I love it!

12/26/98 21:18:28
Name: skit My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: YES Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane Do you like Titanic?: No
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: None

its a nice site :) see ya later skit

12/23/98 08:18:25
Name: Alea My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: hmm.. let me think about that. Why would I be visiting Daria sites if I don't like Daria?? Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Lane, no question about it Do you like Titanic?: no, why do you ask??
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: one word... Thwack!!

happy christmas

12/09/98 14:26:40
Name: Pandora Anderson My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane
Do you like Titanic?: NO Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: NO

Your site sucks

11/29/98 16:15:33
Name: Jesse My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Quinn or Daria Do you like Titanic?: Haven't seen it
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: none

I love this show- you should also do a beavis and butt-head and celebrity deathmatch site.

11/28/98 16:58:22
Name: Jenni My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Why of course!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you like Titanic?: no
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: none of them

Cool page, keep up the good work.

11/15/98 18:12:17
Name: dee' & wan My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yup Which is your fav char from Daria?: TRENT
Do you like Titanic?: NOPE Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: ER...the part when the boat sinks?

no comments, err keep workin on it?

11/14/98 00:20:15
Name: Darcy cropp
My Email: Email Me

why did you ask about titanic?

11/02/98 00:09:55
Name: Andrea My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: YES
Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jodie Do you like Titanic?: NOOOO

I like your site. Is there any way you could put Daria games on it?

10/28/98 19:21:10
Name: Rose My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yup Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Do you like Titanic?: sorta it's kinda overratted
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: the end where it shows her asleep in her bed and all of her pictures

cute page. i'm like trying to work on a daria page but i can't find many graphics. so if you could tell me where to get some i'd thank you forever!

10/28/98 18:55:00
Name: Bryan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane Lane Do you like Titanic?: yes
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: when the titanic sank

Daria is cool and should be shown all the time

10/25/98 11:11:17
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

10/03/98 14:12:31
Name: Kate and McKenzie My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yes, Very much Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane
Do you like Titanic?: yea right, thats funny Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: barf

DARIA RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/03/98 14:10:53
Name: Kate and McKenzie
My URL: Visit Me


Cindy - 09/30/98 16:10:48
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

09/19/98 21:28:54
Name: Sha My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: Yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria, Trent, Jane, and Jessie
Do you like Titanic?: ROTFL! Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: ROTFLMAO!

Big daria fan! Check out my site and sign the guestbook! Thanks Sha

09/05/98 22:09:12
Name: Gertrude My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Of course I do, you ditz! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane's sister Penney Do you like Titanic?: Emily's right - what the hell does Titanic have to do with Daria?
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: I will not dignify this question with a response. Wait a second! Damn!!!!

Alright, I know Penney was never on Daria - But, c'mon! Her name is Penney Lane.

09/01/98 00:41:13
Name: D'arcy My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yeah Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent & jane
Do you like Titanic?: Hell Yeah


08/31/98 23:02:37
Name: blueangel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: ya duh, sorry sarcastic Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you like Titanic?: no!
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When Rose is in the Yellow dress

I like your page! I love Daria!

08/27/98 00:01:34
Name: lilia winters My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: You bet your sweet ass Which is your fav char from Daria?: Stacie from the fation club
Do you like Titanic?: the real story, but I'm getting sick of the movie Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: dont have one

I LOVE daria, she rules. By the way what in the heck dose titanic have to do with Daria?

08/24/98 20:52:29
Name: Damian My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yeah,I watch it when ever it's on Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria,Trent,Jane,Mr.DeMartino Do you like Titanic?: no
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When they turned on the lighs

Do not ask about Titanic

08/20/98 23:13:41
Name: Emily My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Of course! why else would I be on this page? Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane, Daria, Trent Do you like Titanic?: Yah, but what does Titanic have to do with Daria?
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: That has nothing to do with Daria.

Awesome Site! I think that this is by far my fave.

08/16/98 00:50:00
Name: Shanna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Of Course Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Do you like Titanic?: Sort Of
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When Leo was in the water freezing

Very very cool page, be sure to check mine out.

Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/13/98 21:56:00
My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/

Whelp, I just added some of my pictures to my web page. I hope sometime you can visit and check them out.

08/01/98 19:49:56
Name: Mary My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: YES!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Sandi, President of the Fashion Club Do you like Titanic?: yes
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: dancing with third class passengers

I love Daria, and I love all these web pages about Daria. Keep it up!!! And anyone who thinks Daria is stupid is crazy, because she is really cool.

08/01/98 17:04:00
Name: griff Do you like Daria?: Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane Do you like Titanic?: yhea
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: ????????????????

Yo,i think Daria rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07/31/98 18:34:59
Do you like Daria?: WHY WOULD I BE HERE! Which is your fav char from Daria?: QUINN (GOOD LOOKING)
Do you like Titanic?: this is not a boat site Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When jake was doing her

This is a great site DARIA!

07/30/98 22:28:09
Name: Roger Anderson My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: HELL YEAH!!!!!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Quinn
Do you like Titanic?: Not that much Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When the boat sank

I think Quinn is one of the coolest girl in Lawndale.

07/30/98 16:50:28
Name: thatgirl My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: Why else would I be here? Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane Lane
Do you like Titanic?: I thought this was a Daria pabe Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: If yiu want this to be a titanic page then say so

I love Daria.. I think she and Trent should hook-up

07/30/98 07:02:35
Name: Protoss zealot My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: For Aiur! (yes, executor) Which is your fav char from Daria?: not upchuck, not quinn. one of the others. naga-ZOU!
Do you like Titanic?: what the hell is 'Titanic'? Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: the adds at the begining showing other movies

how cum a lot of ppl think that Titanic suks while others think it is good. and I've noted that most ppl that like Titanic are girls... so a message to those Titanic loving girls: if you come to visit you'll be bored to tears, we havent even paid the phon bills in 300 years...Fool! -quoted from 'Weird Al' Yankovic

07/30/98 06:51:21
Name: Onkko My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: cool show, neat characters.. ect,ect Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Do you like Titanic?: what? Sir! I am insulted by the question! (I'll leave you eithout a concrete answer)
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: when the guy fell of the top and made that neat *KONK* sound by hiting the propellers

I do'nt know why, but Trent & Upchuck remind me of myself. Trent-because I have the same hairstyle Upchuck-don't ask me why, but I got a couple 'o pairs of pants like his

07/28/98 05:20:46
Name: D'mico My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yep. Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria, Trent, & Jane Do you like Titanic?: Yeah, but it's OLD NOW!
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When Billy Zane first grabbed Lovejoy's gun.

Nice page, speaking of which, I'm starting to develop a Daria page of my own, have any suggestions? :-) -D'mico

07/26/98 20:56:22
Name: Fudgey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: Yep.
Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane Do you like Titanic?: kinduv...

Cool page! Daria is one of the best cartoons! Keep up the good work.

07/26/98 06:19:12
Name: MAFIAMEN!!!(it's me Fernando) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: sure......,it's watchable. Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria..., quiet but smart. Do you like Titanic?: IT SUCKS, though I haven't seen it.
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: The first dude that died, and, the credits..., mostly the credits

Jorge,vete pal carajo. Tu sabias que "Chivon"(aka Honey) habia visto tu "site"? Dice que te extrana y quiere oir de ti pronto, asi que cuando te arreglen el modem, habla con ella y despues me dices, OK, AHA, AHA, AHA, deeacueeeeeerdo.

07/24/98 21:04:36
Name: The Tink My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yeah Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria
Do you like Titanic?: it was alright, but it was really long Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: when leo was sinking

Your page is pretty cool. it's a bit hard to read though, but overall it's coo

07/19/98 18:42:27
Name: Rachel My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yes! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Quinn/Daria/Trent
Do you like Titanic?: yes, a lot! Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: the whole movie

very cool site!!!

07/17/98 22:07:41
Name: Izabela Guimarães My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: of course, duh Which is your fav char from Daria?: all of them Do you like Titanic?: it stinks
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: when everybody dies

very cool homepage. Im a brazilian and because of that I cant watch many Daria cartoons. Congrats for your page !

07/17/98 20:28:33
Name: margaret My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yeah Which is your fav char from Daria?: tie between daria trent and jane Do you like Titanic?: sure, if you like over-rated, and BIG budget movies. no way. not me. some movie gramma
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: it sucked.

daria is the only one that understands that high school sucks. who cares if she's a cartoon, i mean if a damn cartoon can understand why can't anyone else dammit ? anyways, why are you asking if i like titanic. i think and thought it was soo corny. i mean come ON!

07/16/98 14:19:05
Name: kelvin vargas My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria
Do you like Titanic?: yes Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: Jack

no comments

07/15/98 18:35:00
Name: Leeann M. Drees My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: YES!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: I don't know, probably Daria because she's a lot like me (my best friend's like Jane, too) Do you like Titanic?: yeah
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: The whole thing was good, but I think I liked the steerage dance most

Nice site! The title was what got me here. The only problem is that it's near immpossible to read because of the background, other then that, it's great!!! Keep up the good work! Oh, could you visit my page and sogn the guestbook? I'd really appreciat it (no, my site's not about Daria, but in a little while, I'll have Daria links).

07/03/98 21:01:54
Name: Teresa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: YES!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you like Titanic?: Yup
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: the whole movie

nice page. the gifs are great you're quite talented with them. keep it up.

07/01/98 15:53:09
Name: cool j My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: of course Which is your fav char from Daria?: jane
Do you like Titanic?: yes Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: when Jack and rose met


07/01/98 15:49:58
Name: Sammi
My URL: Visit Me


07/01/98 15:48:55
Name: SUPERFLI13 My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: of course Which is your fav char from Daria?: trent
Do you like Titanic?: havent seen it Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: I SAID I HAVENT SEEN IT!!!!!

cool page

06/20/98 01:46:45
Name: RoSe Do you like Daria?: WhY wOuLd I bE hErE iF I dIdN't
Which is your fav char from Daria?: QuInN (ShE iS fUnNy) Do you like Titanic?: Ok
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: WhEn ThEy FiRsT mEeT

I like your site. Daria rocks, and I think they should make the popular people smarter, because they aren't always like that. They aren't in my school, but I guess it wouldn't be Daria without them... They should make a Daria movie (I would go)...

06/15/98 22:29:49
Name: DARIA #2 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: HELL YA SHE IS MY IDOL Which is your fav char from Daria?: DARIA Do you like Titanic?: UM
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: DIE SINK DIE


06/12/98 18:51:16
Name: Elizabeth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Quinn Do you like Titanic?: Yes
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: all


06/11/98 03:17:51
My URL: Visit Me


06/10/98 23:37:37
Name: Stephanie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes Which is your fav char from Daria?: Upchuck Do you like Titanic?: yes
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: The party on the lower deck

Daria kicks ass! Upchuck is cool cause he's so weird and i'm weird too! Why did u ask about Titanic?

06/10/98 20:20:07
Name: Lindsey Syropoulos My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: She`s COOL!!!!!!!YES!!!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you like Titanic?: movie-no ship-yes
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: Jack won the ticket

This is the coolest website I've ever seen on Daria!!!!Keep up the cool,good,an` happin` work!!!! I'll keep on coming back to this website to check on things,and see if anything has changed!!!!!

06/10/98 20:10:44
Name: Lindsey Syropoulos My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: She`s COOL!!!!!!!YES!!!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria Do you like Titanic?: movie-no ship-yes
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: Jack won the ticket


06/09/98 23:45:49
Name: Invisigoth Gypsy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like Daria?: I'm addicted to it.
Which is your fav char from Daria?: Trent Do you like Titanic?: Never seen it

Cool page

06/09/98 12:54:27
Name: Terhi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: oh yeah Which is your fav char from Daria?: I like Daria and Trent Do you like Titanic?: I think that it was a massive movie but I didn't like it
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: ???

You have a nice Daria site. If you want to send me some e-mail , please do.

06/08/98 06:46:00
Name: Lina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yes!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria herself and Jane Do you like Titanic?: Nah
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: I said I didn´t like it.

I think you´re page rocks. It´s really kool. One day mine will be too... I´m especially happy today cuz yesterday I discovered Daria had come on on MTV UK again!!

06/08/98 05:48:28
Name: thebsila My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: yes, i love daria Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria, of course Do you like Titanic?: never seen it
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: never seen it

i absolutely love daria! everything she says is so true, in myworld. shes also very funny. its so great to watch her and jane. my favorite episode is when she babysits for those perfect kids and turns them into normal kids (forbid the thought!)

05/20/98 03:47:25
Name: Jane [Really] My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Totaly.If I didn't, why would I be here? Which is your fav char from Daria?: I like Quinn,Daria and Jane Do you like Titanic?: Yes, but not as much as Daria
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When Jack and Rose are at the front of the boat just flying. That is my fav part.

I love your web page. It's like, the best of all of the web page's I'v went to.

05/13/98 18:59:17
Name: Jessica My URL: Visit Me
Do you like Daria?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is your fav char from Daria?: Daria!
Do you like Titanic?: I LOVE Titanic! Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When Rose and Jack where at the front of the boat and were 'flying' it was sooooooso romantic!

This is a really kewl page! Keep up the good work! :-)

05/10/98 15:33:09
Name: Chivon (aka, honey on tcz) Do you like Daria?: yep
Which is your fav char from Daria?: jane Do you like Titanic?: yeah
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: Jack and Rose's first kiss

Hey jorge! What's up? Haven't seen you in a while and i was just wondering how your page was coming along I guess I'll see you later;)

05/04/98 11:00:16
Name: Drew My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Yeah Which is your fav char from Daria?: It's a tie between Trent and Daria Do you like Titanic?: Yeah
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: When they're dancing in the po' people's part of the ship (the party)

Nice page, Jorge, really! You'll have to link to mine when I'm done w/it, or maybe you could post my fanfic when it's done or sumthin. Anyways, keep up the good work; I love it.

04/22/98 02:42:49
Name: danizinha My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: course i do Which is your fav char from Daria?: daria :P Do you like Titanic?: ya
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: the end, i cried so much when i saw HIM waiting for her on the stairs.....

i love daria!! too bad they cancelled it here in brazil! yr page's very cool!

Holey Land

04/14/98 02:14:45
Name: Chivon (aka Honey) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Do you like Daria?: Uh..yep:P Which is your fav char from Daria?: Jane :) Do you like Titanic?: Yep:)
Which was your fav scene from Titanic?: Uh, lets see..prolly the part where Jake and rose are at the front of the ship during the sunset:)

hi! It's me...Honey:P What's up hun? Ok, well...I really like your webpage. Very cool:) See ya! Love, Chivon

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