Pictures of Friends

Here are some pictures of my friends and I. Some of these people I have met over the net and others live right here in Richmond.

This is me. This is this year's school picture. It is kinda dark but I am trying to figure out how to make it lighter.

This is my friend Dan who lives right here in Richmond. I met him on the internet and we haven't even met eachother yet. Maybe we should do something about that.

This is my friend Janice who I go to school with. We got tattoos together over the summer. She got Winnie the Pooh tattood on her and I got a moon. I will have a picture of it scanned as soon as possible. We used to play volleyball together. In the second picture that is her boyfriend Lloyd.

This is Erik, he lives in Kingston Ontario (the town I was born for all of those who have not read my info) The next time I go back there to visit my relatives him and I are hopefully going to meet.

This is my friend from Poland who I met on the net. His name is Marcin and he loves basketball.

This is Mitchel and his girlfriend Jen. I met Mitchel on the Internet and I have been talking to him for a while now.

I will soon have pics of me and some other friends as soon as they are scanned.

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