GWTW: a phenomenon

Everlasting. Rhett (Clark Gable) and Scarlett (Vivien Leigh)

The main cast Dr. Meade (Harry Davenport), Rhett (Clark Gable), Scarlett (Vivien Leigh), Melanie (Olivia deHavilland) and Ashley (Leslie Howard).

Vivien Leigh and her husband, Sir Laurence Olivier and koalas, while in Australia

The Recent Movie Cover

The Dashing Blockade runner Rhett Butler from Charleston (Clark Gable)

Scarlett's one love, Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard)

A publicity shot of Olivia deHavilland who plays Ashley's wife, Melanie Wilkes

Mammy (Hattie McDaniel) and Scarlett (Vivien Leigh)

Scarlett (Vivien Leigh) comforting a mourning Ashley (Leslie Howard)

Unforgettables|Vivien Leigh| Melanie & Ashley Wilkes Gallery

O'Hara Family, Bonnie Blue & Tarleton Twins Gallery|Scarlett & Rhett Gallery|GONE WITH THE WIND--

Sherrie's GWTW

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