All about me!!
Okay, well, either you're here cause you're curious OR cause you have nothing better to do with your life right now, either way I' glad you made it!!  Well, this page is dedicated to all the stuff about me; what I like, what I do, who my friends are, etc.  I guess to start with I should tell you who I am, so, my name is Danielle, Dani to my friends, and I'm a 23 year old female from Patton, PA, USA.  Right now I am going to Clarion University of Pa in Clarion, Pa.  I am majoring in both history AND geography.   I work on campus at the library, and that's the only job I have right now (pretty dull, huh??).
I love to watch movies and listen to music and read and watch sports and all of that fun stuff.  I'm really not going to go into all of that here, if you want to see what kinds of things I like, go to my other pages, they have all of that stuff on them.
That's all for now, come back soon, when I have more stuff!!