EpisodeHow he died
Cartman Gets an Anal ProbeRun over by Barbrady
Weight Gain 4000Impaled by flagpole after being shot by Mr. Garrison
VolcanoNed drops gun, shoots Kenny
Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat RideTorn apart in football
An Elephant Makes Love to a PigNuked in microwave
DeathTouch of Death
Pink EyeMIR lands on him
DamienShot by Jimbo, when he was platypus
Starvin' MarvinEaten by turkeys
Mr. Hankey, The Christmas PooHE LIVED!
Tom's RhinoplastyHe had a sword shot through his head
Mecha StreisandStrangled by the ball on rope
Ike's Wee WeeFalls into a grave
Conjoined Fetus LadyGets crushed by ball in dodgeball
Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri LankaPulled in half in "Jesus and Pals" fight
FlashbacksKilled by monster
Summer SucksKilled by giant snake
Cartman's Mom is a Dirty SlutHit by a train
Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty SlutElectricution, from connecting the wires
Chicken LoverTree lands on him
Chef's Salty Chocolate BallsCrushed by crowd
Chicken PoxFlatlined from chicken Pox
Roger Ebert should lay off the fatty foodsHead blew-up in the plane_arium
ClubhousesDied in mosh pit
Cow DayKilled by a bull
Chef AidHead bitten off by Ozzy Ozborne

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