Top Rated Sites For Food/ Drink Humor...
- *** Nude Man Carrot: Mixing pornography and vegitables. What will
they think of next. Very nice lay out & photography.
- *** Lettuce Preservation Society: You have to read deep into this site to realize it's a commentary on how annoyed the web master is
by vegitarians. But, when you get that far, you'll be laughing.
- *** Television Watchers Menu: Here's one site that I think some people might disagree with me. But I found it hilarious that someone could pin down which snack should go with which show. I found it even
further that often he was right.
- *** Why Cofffee Is Better Than Woman: Crude, rude, very funny, and often times true.
- *** Just Toast: Just Toast is an extremely unique and often a very funny site. While there isn't much room to surf, what's there is humorous gems.
- ** 1/2 The I Hate McDonalds Page: Intresting text and recently updated. The author is a good writer, but the layout is poor and difficult
to read.
- ** 1/2 Why Chocolate Is Better Than Sex: The layout's only so-so. And there's not a lot of material here. But what is in this top twenty list is pretty funny.
- ** 1/2 The Church Of Twinke: The most annoying part of this site is the pop-up banners. However, the rest is down right wierd and
pretty funny. There's even a Twinke newsletter.
- ** 1/2 Bad Cookies: A decent to the point site for fortune cookies with a bad attitude.
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