Top Rated Sites For Poetry Humor...
- **** Haiku O-Matic: These are actually really funny. A different Haiku loads randomly each time you reload the page.
- *** 1/2 Spam Haiku Archive: This is one of the few sites where you'll read Haiku spoofing that infamous food without getting totally grossed out. That's really hard to do.
- *** Monoverbum Poems: If you're a liberal arts major who's ever been offended by your instructor's ability to find symbolism in every single line of a poem, you'll like this site. Simple and too the point.
- *** Loony Limericks: One of the few limericks pages that actually features limericks that are funny and clean. The page has a super
organization and is easy to follow.
- ** 1/2 Tod's Random Poetry page: There are some good poems here, but some are a little Disgusting. Some are really funny. Loads quickly and
features a very nice layout.
- ** 1/2 Bartley's Haiku Page: There are some good poems here. The layout's a little slow and could use a little work though.
Other Sites For Poetry Humor...
Highest quality pages are cloeset to the top.