Past Screenwriting Links

Screenwriting on the Internet: Researching, Writing and Selling Your Script on the Web by Christopher Wehner. This book shows you exactly how the Internet can be your road map to success. I'm included in the book on some of my internet strategies . Scott Frank, Screenwriter GET SHORTY, OUT OF SIGHT, had this to say about this new book:"I've always been mystified as to why (or how) anyone in their right mind would want to fall into the hole that has become the Internet in order to sell something as personal as a screenplay. But there is actually a logical step-by-step process one could follow in order to separate the wheat from the chaff. If you've been looking for another way in, Christopher Wehner has just opened the door." And hey, read the excerpt I'm in entitled OF PLANES, E-MAILS & WEB SITES Read an older interview with me from Absolute Write at Interview with Mark Atwater.

The Scriptapalooza Television Writing Competition going into its 8th year has decided to start accepting reality shows. "Since 33% of what you see on TV is reality shows, we feel it's appropriate to start accepting this format into the TV competition," says Mark Andrushko, founder of Scriptapalooza.

Scriptapalooza TV has seen major success in their 8 years...2 writers won Emmys, 1 writes for Comedy Central, numerous writers have gotten agents, managers and meetings.

Scriptapalooza TV is currently accepting submissions and the deadline is October 15, 2006. The four categories include existing 1 hour scripts, existing half hour sitcoms, original pilots and reality shows. The entry fee is $40.

  • Orca Pictures completely revamped screenwriting competition celebrates the writing talents of amateur and professional screenwriters.
  • Entertainment Executives 411 a resource to find producers. Want to know how to write a treatment?
  • is the place to find out how.
  • Screamplays the web's only free script posting site dedicated solely to marketing scary scripts (horror, ghost stories, monster movies, alien invasions, etc.).
  • Do You Have to Live in Hollywood? by Skip Press & THE ANATOMY OF A LOGLINE by Robert Gregory-Browne.
  • Check out screenwriter Patrick Vuoung's website promoting his screenplays & screenwriting tips.
  • is an excellent screenwriting website with great articles & information.
  • Screenwriters Forum the ultimate screenwriting resource.
  • And check out Random Logline Generator! for a good laugh or maybe the next million dollar idea.
  • Skip Press's website gives excellent screenwriting advice.
  • A site to find what's in development by actors, prodcos, studios, etc.
  • Find the agent or manager for you favorite actor, producer, or director.
  • WhoRepresents?com a quick reference guide to & for representatives.
  • CineStory is a national non-profit screenwriter's organization that works in depth with emerging screenwriters to hone their craft and help them find alternative access to the screen. Entertainment Weekly recently named the CineStory Screenwriting Awards (now in its 7th year) as one of the top four script competitions in the country, and one of their newly announced winners is going into production immediately with his award-winning script.

    If you have a favorite screenwriting/film link and would like to recommend it, send it to and I'll be happy to post it.

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