Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

You May Message Me @ Royal Highlander

MCpl Robert Mullan was born in Montreal in 1957. He began his military career in 1974 with the Blackwatch, and later transferring to 48th Highlanders of Canada. Upon graduating George Brown College in Toronto joined the Regular Force as a Direct entry in 1982

Over the years, he has been posted to Kingston, Calgary, Mill Cove and Ottawa. As well as two tours of the Golan Heights, he has been to Alert and the former Yugoslavia. He has also had previous attached posting with the in Norway and West Germany. He is married and has three children and is a LCIS Tech with 76 Comm GP

MCpl Mullan started cartooning in his spare time while on tour in Yugo in 1995. He has since taken several classes at the Ottawa School of Art and is in numerous publications across Canada. Recently he has two cartoons acquired by the Canadian War museum for their permanent war art collection. The military has provided him with a great deal of material over the years. MCpl Mullan plans to turn his hobby into a second career.

You can see MCpl Mullan other works in the Contact (Trenton), Voxair (Winnipeg).Tower Times (Kingston),Borden Citizen, Trident , Contact (Ottawa) Forum (Ottawa) Lookout (Esquimalt) and the next edition of Vanguard & C&E Newsletter.

Thanks to Robert Mullan for the cartoons. Robert has served with the CAF for 27 years. He served with the Watch from '74 to '78. His humour has been published in many magazines and publications. Two of his have been added to the permanent collection at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, Robert can be contacted at
