'People will obviously sit up and think "Ah, a Winslet"... but hopefully they will see that we are very different.' -Beth Winslet

The entire world's met Kate Winslet the star of the biggest film ever, but now it's time to meet her equally talented younger sister Beth who only 19 has had a lead role in a top BBC drama, The Scold's Bridle, and was offered to role of Juliet in the "National Youth Theatre's" production of Romeo and Juliet.

Beth, the next Winslet wonder, with film and TV roles being slung at her left and right she's going to be a huge star.


NEWS (27/10/98) Thanks go to good ol' Zanita for this article which mentions Beth's unfortunate viral infection meaning she misses performing in... well, why not read the article, eh?

STRANDS: News from the London theatre scene

That reminds me, I have some new pictures to upload here. Yep, a gallery will soon be in order. Just remember to remind me to put them up, okay?

Family Winslet



Beth's Filmography
Cold Enough For Snow
The Scold's Bridle
Alien Love Triangle (1999 TBC)

Beth Interviews
visitors since April 8, 1998.

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If you have any information on Beth, interviews, pictures etc, please e-mail them to ataru.moroboshi@bigfoot.com I'm not Sarah - I'm Nick and I will be looking after this site while Sarah has no 'net access (her modem broke). If I find the time, expect a major overhaul of this site, in terms of looks at least...

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