The Disuninsane Trio's Leo Sucks Page

WARNING!!!If you are a Leo-lover, GET THE HECK OUTTA HERE, and go find yourself a Leo fan page. If you like Leo, then why are you here? This page is for Leo-Haters and Leo-Haters only. We are not responsible if you find this material a tad bit offensive. Hey, we don't put up with people who are stupid enough not to read warnings. As for those Leo-Haters who are allergic to looking at Leo's ugly face, we strongly advise you to cover your eyes or scroll down quickly before the Leo picture loads, or you might turn into stone. Literally. So, enjoy!!

This page takes the humourous side to our dislike of Leo! Don't take it personally!!

Editing done by the Disuninsane Trio
Yay. Finally found the above pic at an Anti-Leo Page (you'd think I'd find it at a fan page, but I looked forever some many many many weeks ago and couldn't find it. VERY disturbing time for me). Time for new edit one of these days. Please don't use the above for your own page though...

Welcome to our page! It's crappy cause we don't need a good looking webpage. All we need is to spread the word! And here are the words: We strongly believe that Leonardo DiCaprio sucks!!!! Why? Because he's a conceited little pest (who boycotted the Academy Awards all 'cause he wasn't nominated, ahem), whom all so many girls thinks is good-looking, when we believe he is rather nasty-looking.
From 'GoLords' skit on SNL That doll is evil I tells ya! Evil! EEEEEEEEEEEVVIIIILL!!!!

(Click above for Grandpa Simpson talking & here for more Leo doll pics from SNL May 9, 1998 [David Duchovny hosted])
You are Leo-Hater # to visit this Leo Sucks page since April 10, 1998!!

Why Leonardo DiCaprio Sucks

Anti-Leo Links!!!

Our "Kick Ass" Page

The Mock Leo Interview

All About Us

You know you're obsessed with Leo when...

Guys we find more attractive

Our page on newspapers

** This page will not have any more updates (Jan. 2000) **

A BIG thanks goes out to thousands of Leo Haters who have supported this page:) We really appreciate it! Remember if you hate Leo, you are not alone!

Our first award thanks to ~Mystic~. (Aug. 1998?)

Yes, the Disuninsane Trio are proudly Canadian...

A thousand monkeys working at a thousand typewriters will eventually define all that is Canada.. -- Molson Canadian commercial.

Oh, and yes, WE'RE GIRLS!!!!!!!! Not all girls like him, okay?

Just to let you ppl know, we respect your thoughts. We read both guestbooks whenever we have the time. Saying that we actually like him and we're just hiding it is totally dumb cause we know what we think, duh!!! Also, this page is a free page. There's no way we'd pay to start a page like this.

A special thanks to Youo Pokkai for making this kewl image for our page

If you wanna contact us, you can e-mail us at
If you are a Leo-lover, and you're still here, GET LOST!!!

Hey!! No sick messages about your fantasies with Leo alright, people?? Hate messages sure, but X-rated stuff, no thanks! If you decide to write one anyways, it will be deleted!

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This guestbook is preferred for LEO-LOVERS!! (But why are you guys still here?)

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This guestbook is preferred for fellow ANTI-LEO-PEOPLE!!

If you want to use anything off of this page, please e-mail us first. It'd be preferred that you do not use our logo because we made it specifically for our page only. Also, if you are a newspaper or something that is going to write about the page (or even us!!) please e-mail us too. We'd like to see the paper!!

This page is non-profitable!! No infringement is intended! All we are doing is expressing our thoughts!! The three of us do not agree on everything said here and so forth! We do not mean to break any legal stuff on purpose!! If we have, it's a mistake!! Just inform us if we have and we'll fix whatever it may be to the best we think it can be fixed to! Disuninsane Forever!!

© 1998 The Disuninsane Trio

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