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Hi I'm kmac14.
Welcome to my homepage. You are the to visit my site. This page is about anything and everything. You can find just about anything in here. I added a chat room so feel free to join. In the mean time look around.

A lot of people say that TV is bad for you. They say it fries your brain. But I disagree. You can learn a lot from watching TV. There are many good quality shows that teach good morals. For example, one of my favorite shows, Party of Five. I have learned many lessons about life from watching it. You can visit my Party of Five page by clicking on the link.

Party of Five

I also like the show Law and Order. It is about detectives and DAs and all that justice stuff. That has always been interesting to me. So the next time someone tells you to do something better with your time than watch TV, tell them they can learn a lot from it.

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