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John Cusack Dares To Be Great -
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Last updated July 5, 2001
See Breaking News below


I am shutting this site down. I loved doing it, but you know, I'm just
not putting forth the effort anymore so it isn't worth it.

Also, the domain name expires at the end of this month, but I
will renew it for the next two years (and just keep the guts of this site)
unless someone else wants it. If you are interested in having the domain, please e-mail me at

I've deleted of my news page - please use Cusack Scoops by Snoop for all your late-breaking needs
I've deleted my photo pages - please use The Ultimate John Cusack Site or Cusack 101 for your eye candy.

vote for this site on Starpages!

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...who has dared to be great since 6/24/98

* * * Celebrity Link * Web Prestige * Eleventh Commandment

The cover-my-butt part:
This site is in no way endorsed by John Cusack or any person or organization involving John Cusack. It is a site created by a fan for the enjoyment of other fans. If anything on this page is copyrighted by you and you want me to take it down, please let me know. If anything on this site is interesting enough for you to want to borrow, please simply e-mail me and let me know. Love to all and act civilized!
