Welcome to Jay's Angry Beavers Page!!!

Wanna have some fun? I'm going to put some trivia questions on here so put your thinking caps on! Trivia Question#1: On what episode did Daggett and Norb get thrown out of the house? Trivia Question#2: Who plays the voice of Daggett? Trivia Question#3: Who plays the voice of Norbert? Email me at jhunte@hotmail.com if you know the answer to any of these mind-twisting questions!!

In the meantime:
And if you have requests or comments on the beavers or this page, e-mail me. Tell me any info you want on this page!
Unfortunately, this page will not be updated for a while. It is still available for you to visit! I will update this page as soon as I can get to the Internet!

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Norbert: The coolest of the two!!! Everything he does wins the admiration of all the forest animals. You can say that he's the leader!
Daggett: The not so smart of the two, Daggett is a "copy-beaver", a term he made up himself. He is always there to insult his brother.

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