Here is a complete list of the .wav files of the movie THE RETURN OF THE JEDI, if you know of a .wav file im missing in this page, please mail me to STARWAVS99@HOTMAIL.COM and l'll index those files to this pages, also you'll get your credit. Feel free to download any file you want.



File Name Size Description
ACQUSITN.WAV 69,954 Bytes Alien: A good new acquisitions.
HENCHMN1.WAV 28,716 Bytes Alien: Ther wana wand wander.
HENCHMN2.WAV 14,876 Bytes Alien: Batuum.
HOWMANY.WAV 47,868 Bytes Alien: How many languages do you speak?
PROTODRD.WAV 63,298 Bytes Alien: You are a protocol droid are you not?
SENTRY2.WAV 19,010 Bytes Alien strange sound
SENTRY4.WAV 35,650 Bytes Alien strange sound
SPLENDID.WAV 25,410 Bytes Alien strange sound


File Name Size Description:
AREUSURE.WAV 39,746Bytes C3 PO: R2 are you sure this was a good idea?
DECIDED.WAV 46,658 Bytes C3 PO: I have decided that we should stay here.
DOOMED.WAV 16,972 Bytes C3 PO: Were doomed!
GOODMORN.WAV 12,828 Bytes C3 PO: Good morning.
OHTHANK.WAV 28,994 Bytes C3 PO: Oh thank goodnes.
PROGRAM.WAV 52,610 Bytes C3 PO: Its against my programming to impresionate.
RANCOR.WAV 38,060 Bytes C3 PO: Oh no the rancor!!
SORRY.WAV 33,602 Bytes C3 PO: Oh i'm terrybly sorry.
TERMINAT.WAV 136,514Bytes C3 PO: His high exulted the great Jabba the Hutt has decreted that you are to be terminated immediatly.


File Name Size Description:
WOOKIEE1.WAV 27,196 Bytes Chewbacca: Just a wookiee grawl.
WOOKIEE2.WAV 60,524 Bytes Chewbacca: Just a wookiee grawl.
WOOKIEE3.WAV 34,812 Bytes Chewbacca: Just a wookiee grawl.
WOOKIEE5.WAV 24,642 Bytes Chewbacca: Just a wookiee grawl.
WOOKIEE9.WAV 27,714 Bytes Chewbacca: Just a wookiee grawl.


File Name Size Description:
DOORCLOS.WAV 24,380 Bytes Door closing.
DSDOOR.WAV 62,572 Bytes Space door opening, or closing.
DSFIRES.WAV 213,826 Bytes Fire of missles.
SABER1.WAV 28,738 Bytes Light saber special fx.
SABER2ON.WAV 32,834 Bytes Ligth saber special fx On.
SABEROFF.WAV 32,428 Bytes Ligth saber specia fx Off.
SPEEDR15.WAV 85,314 Bytes Speeder special fx.
SPEEDR19.WAV 12,866 Bytes Speeder special fx.
SPEEDR5.WAV 104,514 Bytes Speeder special fx.
STARTUP.WAV 104,514 Bytes Star up special fx.
TFLYBY1.WAV 175,426 Bytes Tie fighter special fx flying.
VBREATH.WAV 44,098 Bytes Darth Vader breath special effect.
XFLYBY1.WAV 84,562 Bytes X wing special fx flying.


File Name Size Description:
EWOK1.WAV 19,490 Bytes Ewoks: strange sounds.
EWOK3.WAV 14,764 Bytes Ewoks: strange sounds.
EWOK4.WAV 28,780 Bytes Ewoks: strange sounds.
EWOK6.WAV 94,610 Bytes Ewoks: strange singing.


File Name Size Description:
BADFELLN.WAV 60,108 Bytes Han Solo: I have a really bad feeling about this.
DONTWORY.WAV 24,876 Bytes Han Solo: Hey don't worry.
GOODLUCK.WAV 13,804 Bytes Han Solo: Good luck.
ITLLWORK.WAV 16,610 Bytes Han Solo: It will work.
OKAY.WAV 16,850 Bytes Han Solo: Okay.
TAKECARE.WAV 22,934 Bytes Han Solo: We will take care of this.
THNKIGOT.WAV 19,778 Bytes Han Solo: I think i got it.
TRANSMSN.WAV 29,532 Bytes Han Solo: Transmission comenssing.
WHATSGOI.WAV 26,124 Bytes Han Solo: Hey whats going on.


File Name Size Description:
HOHOHOHO.WAV 78,044 Bytes Jabba the hutt: Jabba laughing
IMSURE.WAV 43,074 Bytes Jabba the hutt: Jabba speaking about Han Solo.
JABBA2.WAV 48,492 Bytes Jabba the hutt: Jabba speaking.
LIKESOLO.WAV 86,850 Bytes Jabba the hutt: Jabba speaking about Han solo
TAKEHIM.WAV 41,884 Bytes Jabba the hutt: Jabba speaking to his guards


File Name Size Description.
CMONGNRL.WAV 31,340 Bytes Princess Leia: Come on general let's move.
GETOUT.WAV 40,268 Bytes Princess Leia: Come on let's get out of here.
IMSTUCK.WAV 28,972 Bytes Princess Leia: Look's like i am stuck in here.
ISNTEASY.WAV 29,884 Bytes Princess Leia: This isn't going to be easy.
OHNO.WAV 27,932 Bytes Princess Leia: Oh no.
REGRTHIS.WAV 32,834 Bytes Princess Leia: You are going to regret this.
WHATISIT.WAV 1,838 Bytes Princess Leia: What is it.
WHATTRBL.WAV 33,346 Bytes Princess Leia: Tell me what is the trouble.


File Name: Size: Description:
CANTDOIT.WAV 30,018 Bytes Luke Skywalker: I can't do it Ben.
GOODINU.WAV 32,066 Bytes Luke Skywalker: I know there is good in you.
GREETING.WAV 35,900 Bytes Luke Skywalker: Greetings exulted one.
IAMLUKE.WAV 77,890 Bytes Luke Skywalker: I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and friend of captain Solo.
INTRODUC.WAV 35,164 Bytes Luke Skywalker: Aloud me to introduce myself.
IPRESENT.WAV 29,596 Bytes Luke Skywalker: I present you a gift.
MISTAKE.WAV 43,586 Bytes Luke Skywalker: It's the last mistake you'll ever make.


File Name: Size: Description:
CANTESCP.WAV 44,268 Bytes Obi Wan Kenobi: You can not escape your destiny.
FACEVADR.WAV 60,716 Bytes Obi Wan Kenobi: You must face Darth Vader again.
MORMACHN.WAV 94,914 Bytes Obi Wan Kenobi: He is more machine now than man twisted and evil.

R2 D2

File Name: Size: Description:
SENTNC1.WAV 17,986 Bytes R2 D2 sentences no big differences between each one of them.
SENTNC18.WAV 33,090 Bytes R2 D2 sentences no big differences between each one of them.
SENTNC2.WAV 31,298 Bytes R2 D2 sentences no big differences between each one of them.
SENTNC6.WAV 30,018 Bytes R2 D2 sentences no big differences between each one of them.
SENTNC7.WAV 11,330 Bytes R2 D2 sentences no big differences between each one of them.
SENTNC8.WAV 58,434 Bytes R2 D2 sentences no big differences between each one of them.


File Name: Size: Description:
COMPLETE.WAV 46,620 Bytes Darth Vader: Your skills are complete.
CORRECT.WAV 44,866 Bytes Darth Vader: That is correct commander.
EXPECTNG.WAV 50,332 Bytes Darth Vader: The emperor has been expecting you.
FORGIVNG.WAV 81,100 Bytes Darth Vader: The emperor is not as forgiving as i am.
GIVESELF.WAV 69,276 Bytes Darth Vader: Give your self to the dark side.
GOODWORK.WAV 36,268 Bytes Darth Vader: Good work commander.
INDEED.WAV 98,780 Bytes Darth Vader: Indeed you are powerful as the emperor has forseeing.
MUSTOBEY.WAV 59,202 Bytes Darth Vader: I must obey my master.
NOTSHARE.WAV 106,498Bytes Darth Vader: The emperor does not share your optimistical apreciate of the situation.
POINTLES.WAV 74,562 Bytes Darth Vader: It is pointless to resist my son.
UNDRESTM.WAV 80,370 Bytes Darth Vader: Dont underestimate the power of the dark side.


File Name: Size: Description:
900YEARS.WAV 176,290 Bytes Yoda: When 900 years old you age look as good you are not, (laughs)
LASTJEDI.WAV 59,634 Bytes Yoda: The last of the jedis will you be?
SOONREST.WAV 68,466 Bytes Yoda: Soon will i rest yes.
STRNGAMI.WAV 45,404 Bytes Yoda: Strong am i with the force.
TRAINING.WAV 100,418 Bytes Yoda: No more training do you require i already know you thats what you need.


AUTHOR Carlos Alcocer Sola
Last Updated 18/07/99 06:53:57 p.m.
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