
I went to see this film for two reasons. One it has two great actors. Second I wanted to see these two great actors kick the living shit out of each other. The actors I refer to are Brad Pitt and the I just get better and better Edward Norton. First of Im not going to give anything away about this movie because it has one of those plot twist that makes you yell out a big Keanu "Woa!"
But I will lay down the basic plot and why I think it just fail short of greatness.

When the film started off I was looking for this great blood bath and what I got was a wonderful look at consumeriZum and its effects on what really makes one happy. The narration by Nortons character through the first of film made me continously think about how I myself collect stuff and its importence to my survival. Then the movie moved into the lives og help group addicts. This was also fasinating. Then enters Pitt, who at first is as interresting as the first half of the movie as he spouts off his beleifs on what is really important in life. This is where the fight club begans. Yes the fights are brutal and the hole club bonding thing is cool. Shit! I wanted to be in the club. At this point I had gotten what I came for bloody fights and great preformances. The film then slowly shifted gears revealing what the movie is actually about.....terroist type acts from a group of cultist vigilantes. To this point the filmed screamed I'm something special and diffrent. The fight club was not even in the picture now which made me sad to see the movie get away from. The filmed saved its self from a last minute screw up and threw in a plot twist that will leave you thinking about it for days. So if anyone tries to tell you the twist start your own fight club and beat the living shit out of them!

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RATING  ***1/2