Tony "Biggulp" Richardson : I agree with most movies except Varsity Blues you have *** stars and it should be ********** stars!  A 10, 10, a fuckin 10!

CHASITY WAGNER :  " The Blair Witch Sucked!"

ASHLEY MELTON : " Movie Fanatic! I really like your web page! It is great!
A lot of us are use to asking you how certain movies are anyways since
you usually see them before we do!!! The only recent movies that I have
went to see were The Blair Witch Project and Deep Blue Sea! I did not
think that The Blair Witch Project was all that scary. It was eerie,but
I expected more scare ya know! Deep Blue Sea was not scary either! Alot
of people told me that it was really scary, but I just thought
it was gory! Well, I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your page!!!"

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