The MIDI Page
Here are some MIDIs that I have collected.
benny_hill.mid - The theme to the Benny Hill show.
empire.mid - The Empire Strikes Back theme music.
ff3main.mid - The main music to Final Fantasy 3.
gilligan.mid - Gilligan's Island theme music.
h5-0.mid - Hawaii 5-0 theme music.
knightrider.mid - Knight Rider theme music.
linus.mid - The Peanuts music.
muppets.mid - The Muppet Show theme music.
price.mid - The Price is Right music.
rocky.mid - The Rocky music.
stayin_alive.mid - From the 70s.
vehicle.mid - The Ides of March.
alabama.mid - Lynyrd Skynyrd's Sweet Home Alabama.
bholesun.mid - Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun.
hocus_pocus.mid - Some band from the late 60s called Focus.
istanbul.mid - Istanbul was Constantinople.
midiec_2.mid - Eric Clapton's I Shot the Sheriff.
no_rain.mid - No Rain by Blind Melon.
sayitaintso.mid - Weezer's Say it Ain't So.
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