Personal Information

Personal Info

My name is Aaron Robertson, I am 18 years old, and I live in Hitchcock, Texas. I am currently attending College of the Mainland. Here are a few of my friends and family who I want to list so they can say "Ooh! Ooh! I'm on the internet! Look! There's my name right there!"
Audrey "Silvia" Sanchez - my girlfriend, Big Lee Trevino the shoe salesman, J.R. "Get Off Me" Taylor who helped me immensely in making this page, Cory "Purple" Hayes, Allen Cock Rocker Oliver, Sean Charleston - The Guy with the Pimp Car, Mighty Megan Plasek, Landon I Was John Bonham In A Past Life Studdard, Jimmy Jam Honnol, Josh "Fatty Spice" Prino, Marco Nookie Woofer Guerra, Crazy Kendrick Myres, Marcus "Tuba Boy" Triplett, Crackhead Nick Narvaez, my mom Clarinda and father Gale, my brother Jack Dracula (a.k.a. Joshua Robertson), my cousin Lisa, and all those whose names I forgot to put on here.


Here's some crap that I have made over the years with my computer like MIDIs, pictures, and what not. I encourage you to steal it and spread it around, cause it's not doing any good at all just sitting on my hard drive.

Type Filename Description Size
hotel.mid The Eagles - Hotel California 39 kb
bionic.mid The theme to NES Bionic Commando 22 kb
carousel.mid Intro to Carousel by Mr. Bungle 3 kb
death3.mid An original composition by me 20 kb
death4.mid Another original composition by me 18 kb
sugarhil.mid Sugar Hill - Rapper's Delight 2 kb
gobigred.mid Go Big Red! - No Comment 7 kb
nin1.gif A 3-D rendering of NIN logo 19 kb
sphere.gif A 3-D rendering 19 kb


Download my feature length animation... 'Menace to LEGO Land' Warning: This file will take up to 30 minutes to download at 28.8!

By The Way...

If you have a web page and would like to link mine to it, then steal one of these nifty little graphics I made by clicking on it and add it to your links, or just use a text reference to

NIFTY GRAPHICS ==>Nifty Graphic Nifty Graphic <== NIFTY GRAPHICS

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If you have any questions or comments or just want to shoot the breeze, then E-mail me at

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