Ok, so most of u probably dunno what Bermuda Shorts Day is. At U of C, BSD is the last day of lectures for the year. (Meanin' sometime in April) On this "special" day we have a big beer garden in the courtyard and barbecue, music....just a whole lot of festivities, not to mention lotsa police officers! Well, as the name of the day states, bermuda shorts are the dress code for the occasion...but me and my lil friends don't got any of those. Talk 'bout school spirit! Also, in these pics, u won't see any of the "wild" activities goin' on. We tried to get some nice pics together 'cuz of our situations (one of us may not be back next year, anotha chica is gettin' married in da summer). If u can't figure it out....I'm the girl with the long skirt and black hair *s*, Nat's got the brown curly hair, Angie's wearin' a skirt, and Stacy is in a red plaid shirt. That big rock covered in beer boxes is our lil landmark, "the rock", which we all get to paint whenever. I guess that's all u really need to know *giggles*