Corrina Donaldson - 05/13/98 01:42:50
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 17 - Female
How'd you locate us?: searched the web
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: seen it?? - I LOVE it!
Did you like it?: see last question
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yes
Did you like it?: Teen Angel's better - sorry man.

Hey I watch Teen Angel all the time and it's so cool, my only question is... WHY WASN'T MIKE AND CORBIN BROUGHT TOGETHER EARLIER??? Corbin should be really proud....over here in New Zealand the show rates highest in it's timeslot on friday night - and why not? All the best. Peace + Love Corrina Donaldson

Sharlene - 05/12/98 22:11:45
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14/F
How'd you locate us?: Through The MDHQ!
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: As I said, I taped every single one!
Did you like it?: Oh yeah!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: 1,2,3,5
Did you like it?: Yes!

Corbin is real cute and everything, but I like Mike Damus a little more. Keep up the good work, Corbin, and you'll get far in showbusiness! I know Mike Damus's mom and she said that it may and may not come back! Let's keep our fingers + that it does!

Corinne - 05/11/98 22:46:28
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 12/female
How'd you locate us?: Through
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: I loved it!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No

I really like Corbin, he's cute, funny, and can act great! GO CORBIN!

Whitney Wray - 05/11/98 00:12:22
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 18/F
How'd you locate us?: you are my favorite actor
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: no
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no
Did you like it?: n/a

Remember when we used to play truth-or-dare in my basement with Natalie and Marty? Those were the good old days. I miss you Corbin. ha ha

Rhonda - 05/09/98 03:48:07
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 18/Female
How'd you locate us?: looking for you
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: alot!

You are so cute! I am happy to hear that you will be on Touched By An Angel. You always have the best facial expressions! You also look like a really good kisser....would you like to practice on me??????? I wish it could be true. Keep doing things so I can see you often!

Kelsey Allred - 05/04/98 18:28:59
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 11/f
How'd you locate us?: he is my brother
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yes
Did you like it?: yes

Hey, My computer teacher let me go to your website again at school in computers. When we went by our house today Ashlee said she liked your jeep. When you go back to CA can I come with you and Jason because you promised I could go down there because I didn't g t to go to San Diego? I have to go no. I love you, Kelsey

Julie S. - 05/03/98 04:29:23
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 17/F
How'd you locate us?: browsing
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: loved it

I am sooo sad that I haven't seen Teen Angel for a long time. What has happened to it? What will Corbin do next? He is so fun to watch! Someday he will be really big! I hope he still stays nice!

Marcella - 05/03/98 00:45:15
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): female/11
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no

Just dropped by to see if you updated your page. I might have my own homepage soon about Ty Beanie Babies. c-ya later

Neg Chehrehneg - 04/25/98 18:48:40
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14 years old female.
How'd you locate us?: Net Search
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: No,I live in Sweden ( I don`t got the chanel )
Did you like it?: How can I if I never seen it?!But I bet It`s good.
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Yes,
Did you like it?: Yes I LOVE it!!

I think this site about Corbin is excellent!!I don`t know much about him,but I think he is a very good actor. Neg....

Kim - 04/24/98 23:13:35
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 17 Female
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes, I have
Did you like it?: Yes, it was quite amusing
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No, unfortunately

Corbin seems to be a very interesting young actor. I don't really know that much about him, so I decided to find out over the internet. I like his show "Teen Angel." I also like his co-star.

Tim Poplaski - 04/23/98 18:51:15
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 28 M
How'd you locate us?:
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Nope
Did you like it?: Didn't see it :)
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Yeahp
Did you like it?: Yeahp :)

I was watching Josh Kirby on HBO this morning..I loved the giant sewing needle and the thimble helmet. Well, Josh got to see himself in the past, so I figured I'd see what the star looked like in the films real life future..hes grown a bit bigger in Teen ngel :) The nicest thing I've found on the net in a long time was the fan mail on this site. Was really neat being able to "snoop" the guestbook entries, specially the ones from freinds and family. Hope he saves them somewhere..they are kinda special. You always wonder what a star is like in person. I think he must be a great guy.

Helen Berrington - 04/23/98 14:57:41
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 17 / Female
How'd you locate us?: Alta Vista
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: Yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No
Did you like it?: ------------

I run a Mike Damus Mailing List. If anyone is interested then please subscribe at this URL: BTW, this site is gr8, even though I'm not a Corbin fan. Helen :)

Gita Dean - 04/23/98 03:40:08
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14 female
How'd you locate us?: searching
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: very much
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no

Steve is very hot in Teen Angel. and the show is very entertaining and funny. Keep up the good work!!

leehee - 04/22/98 14:50:25
My URL:my home-page is in hebrow!
My please write to me!
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14/f from israel
How'd you locate us?: i was bored!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: ammm..i saw myself... just kidding! no.... but i wish to see bsb!!!
Did you like it?: can't answer that.....

i'm 14/f years old, and i got icq, i'm from israel & i'm getting bored realy fast, so.... please write to me... and....corbin allred & brad renfro are realy cute.... but i'm only 14 years old...i can love 100000 people at the same time!!!! sorry!!!!!

Josie - 04/22/98 14:37:20
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 18/F
How'd you locate us?: Looked up Corbin
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: Yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Yes
Did you like it?: Yes

If Corbin is anywhere near my age I would LOVE to meet him. He seems so real and he looks so cute! Does he live in Hollywood? I love the Red Lobster commercials because he has his shirt off!! He is the man of my dreams!!!!Please send him a litle furthe East!

KareN - 04/21/98 01:31:20
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 16/f
How'd you locate us?: link from my own site
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yeah
Did you like it?: yeah
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no
Did you like it?: can't tell ya

Hey there, I just wanted to say that Corbin is an awesome actor, and if anyone knows where I can send him fan mail (snail mail address), please E-mail me with it. Oh, and don't forget to visit the *Young Stars Links Page * @ the URL listed above. Thanx!

Sharlene - 04/20/98 18:22:44
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14/F
How'd you locate us?: Through The Mike Damus Headquarters!
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Oh yeah!
Did you like it?: Yes!!!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Some!
Did you like it?: Yeah!

I'm a big fan of Teen Angel. I used to like Corbin a lot, but now I'm a bigger fan of Mike Damus. Sorry+, but hey! That doesn't mean I'm still not a fan of Corbin! Do you think I would come here? Anyway, email me at the address above everyone!

Betty Cohen - 04/19/98 12:26:02
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 17, female
How'd you locate us?: searched the net
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: no, sorry
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yes
Did you like it?: yes

is he a hunk or what??? sorry for not knowing, but how old is he? By the way, I just realized he's the cute one from Robin Hood Men in Tites.

Gadi Berkovich - 04/17/98 19:35:28
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 15 male
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: no
Did you like it?: ----------------------------------------------------
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yes
Did you like it?: yes


Christian Leopold Shea - 04/17/98 00:44:42
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 717, Male
How'd you locate us?: Young Stars Links page
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yep
Did you like it?: Don't ask
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Every episode
Did you like it?: Parts were very good

You actually used the phrase "was graduated"! Incredible! Bully for you! The usage panel of the American Heritage Dictionary says that's a phrase for quill users. Well, _I_ use a quill, dagnab it! Your page glows brightly in my estimation.

Jenny - 04/16/98 07:26:16
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 18/F
How'd you locate us?: searching for Corbin
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: Yes

Just one word-----YUMMY!!!!!!!

Nectarios Yangson - 04/15/98 17:47:52
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yes
Did you like it?: it's alright

Your acting is really coming along kid, good job..........Nectarios

Bennie - 04/13/98 00:04:31
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 23/male
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: Yes alot
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Yes
Did you like it?: Yes very much

I just want to say that its about time Corbin gets a little respect and attention on the NEt. Great page!!!!

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