TapTap Talk about impatient......
Taptap2 Hello I'm in your monitor, Hello.....
BadBad A wav about me <BG> mixed by me too!
Nipplee It's a bit nipplee out....
Fairy Hello I'm the happy fairy......
78stabs No this isn't me with PMT........i'm worse
Frazz So much to do.........LOL
Freebeer Song about free beer.......my hubby's favorite brand
Smooch Just a smooch!
Badayhug I've had a bad day can I have a hug
Lapdance Midgets please don't email me LOL
kisbadly you need kissing ......badly
Kissbomb Stand clear hear it comes
36-24-36 This is definatly me.......see next wav LOL
Yearite Yeah rite in your dreams....
Incohol Now this really is me
Wavhard Come wav with me LOL
Wantbad Cough! no this isn't me
Tweetkis Tweety Bird singing
Twatkiss What is a twat........

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