The Feelers are (from left...)
Matt Thomas (bass guitair)
James Reid (lead vocals, guitair)
Hamish Gee (drums)

  • why the big move? well, originally this site was just a branch of my other website, so I thought it was about time it had its own home... even if it is in a trailer in hollywood.....oh dear. ANYWAY.. look out for a site redesign. one of these days....

  • 'Supersystem' is #6 on the NZ charts
  • the feelers feature in the spring edition of Pulp.. James chats among other things, about the vid for Space Cadet

  • Lungfish has a interview with Matt....check it out here

  • Vote for 'Space Cadet' at tripleJ to get the guys some airplay in Australia
  • Been to a feelers concert? Want to write a review? post it here

James at the album release party, 12/8


This site is maintained by Jinxee
All images and sounds on this site are copyright of their respective owner including 
The Official Site and NetCD