by sarah 26/10/98 
Ahhh if this goes on for a while i'm sorry it's cause i'm still phsyced 
from seeing the feelers last night. 

We got to the entertainment centre about ten years earlier(ok so it was 
about 6 hours)and there were only about 25 people there at that time.  I 
thought we got there only we started talking to some guys that slept 
there, anyway it was well worth the wait.  I went there knowing that it 
was gonna be an awesome show cause I had seen the guys earlier this year 
as well with MB20 and loved it!!!!! 

The doors opened at around 7.30 and we ran straight to the front of 
stage, there was a huge shove as the security moved behind the barracks 
and we were just about right in the centre, it was the best view!! We 
still had a while to keep ourselves amused so  we just chatted to the 
bouncers.  Matt came out from the stage and casually walked through the 
crowd, I don't think many ppl knew who he was unless they were to 
nervous to go up to him. 

The lights dimmed and a huge rour came from the crowd not to mention 
whistles(ha wonder why:)and there they were.  They said you know hi were 
the feelers and opened with friend......i must have been one of the very 
few that actually knew all the words to the songs but everyone was 
really getting in to it. 
After that came arm, space cadet,haha then we saw just how well James 
could dance as he jumped around the stage to the start of pull the 

They did two more songs before came on one of the highlights being an 
acoustic of venus-one of my faves.  I'm telling you they weren't on for 
long enough before it was MB20's turn.......and well this aint an MB20 
site so ill save how good they were for another time. 

Well it was a huge night and the crowd loved it....well you are prob 
getting bored now so ill just say catchya alls and if anyone hasn't seen 
the feelers live yet GOOOOO!!!! they ROCK!!!!