Forgive Us Our Tresspasses

Written by Dom Tordjman | Directed by Paolo Barzman


Amanda meets an immortal, Steven Keane, who is hunting for MacLeod. About 200 years before, in Scotland, MacLeod killed Keane's friend in cold blood during the aftermath of a war. Amanda is afraid that MacLeod will let Keane take his head, so she goes to Methos for help. On the morning of MacLeod and Keane's fight, Methos tries to convince MacLeod that he is not bad person. He then shoots MacLeod when the Highlander refuses to listen and fights Keane himself. MacLeod stops Methos before the older immortal takes Keane's head. Amanda makes one last attempt to convince Keane to leave MacLeod alone, but Keane won't listen, and MacLeod and Keane have their fight. MacLeod wins but refuses to take Keane's head. MacLeod later explains to Methos and Amanda that the fight was trial by combat: Whoever wins is proved right in the eyes of the law.


Methos: "Do you want to knock at bit louder? I don't think they heard you in Philadelphia."

Methos: "I've just came by to watch the perfect immortal die."
MacLeod: "I'm not."
Methos: "Not what? Not the perfect immortal or not going to die?"

MacLeod: "You should write fortune cookies."
Methos: "Yeah, well, maybe I should, just as long as I am not writing your epitaph."

Methos: "You know, Keane is just like you. He wants to divide the world up into good and bad, but it's not that simple. We are all both. Good and evil. We have rage and compassion. We have love and hate. Murder and forgiveness. Why don't you try forgiving yourself for once."

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