Jennifer Campbell

Employment history

The Herald
Rock Hill, S.C.
9/1/98 - present Copy Editor -- Edit news, features and wire stories,
design pages, and write headlines for a daily newpaper.
The Arionza Republic
Phoenix, AZ
6/98 - 8/98 Copy Desk Intern -- Edit news, features, business, opinion
and wire stories and write headlines for a daily newspaper.
Weekend magazine
Columbia, MO
1/98 - 5/98 Assistant Managing Editor -- Edit articles, supervise associate
editors and writers, design pages and coordinate the calander
of events for a weekly entertainment magazine.
The Maneater
Columbia, MO
8/97 - 5/98 Head Copy Editor -- Edit articles, write headlines and supervise
a 6-person copy-editing team for the semiweekly student newspaper
of the University of Missouri-Columbia.
The Maneater
Columbia, MO
5/98 - 8/98 Editor in Chief -- Determine page count and story placement,
supervise editors and writers, edit stories, write headlines
and design pages for a semiweekly student newspaper.


University of

Columbia, MO
Graduated 5/98
GPA: 3.8
Journalism major
Anthropology minor
Alameda High School
Lakewood, CO
Graduated 5/94
GPA: 3.9


Computer -- IBM and Macintosh, QuarkXPress, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, HTML,
Microsoft Word, Wordperfect 5.1

Other -- Type 60 WPM, knowledge of Associated Press style


Deirde Goebel
Team leader, copy desk
The Arizona Republic
Danita Allen
Editorial director
Weekend magazine
Robin Wheeler
Classroom coordinator
Classroom Technology Services

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Last updated September 21, 1998