Name Jenny Frollocks
Age 22
Nationality Yankee Doodle Dandy

Nice and slim, although her thighs are quite big
but don't tell her I said that. Chest is ample but
not stocky. Good legs, knows how to make a man cry.
Favourite Colour Yellow

Lenny Kravitz, Watching TV whilst making love, John Thaw,
Watching TV when John Thaw's on whilst making love, Carrot
Soup, Electric Shock treatment
Dislikes Jimi Hendrix, Kevin Wheldon, Solids

Some words:

Hi there, I'm Jenny and I'm really looking forward to you coming round and showing me a good
time. I have loads of great games on my computer including the definitive 1993 version of
PC Mario Bros. If you choose to meet up with me you can be sure to make it onto my Top Scores
table and our sex games will never be over.

Phone (UK) - 01626 465160 to organise a date....

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